namespace cubos Cubos libraries namespace.
namespace core Core namespace.
namespace al Audio module.
namespace impl Namespace to store the abstract types implemented by the audio device implementations.
- class AudioDevice Audio device interface used to wrap low-level audio rendering APIs.
- class Buffer Abstract audio buffer.
- class Source Abstract audio source.
- class AudioContext Audio context that contains audio devices;.
- class MiniaudioContext Audio device implementation using miniaudio.
namespace impl Namespace to store the abstract types implemented by the audio device implementations.
namespace data Data module.
- class Archive Interface for a bridge between the Cubos virtual file system and the real world.
- class BinaryDeserializer Implementation of the abstract Deserializer class meant to deserialize data written by a BinarySerializer.
- class BinarySerializer Implementation of the abstract Serializer class meant to serialize data in a non-readable but fast and compact way.
- class DebugSerializer Serializer implementation which prints the given data to a stream in a human-readable format not meant to be parsed.
- class Deserializer Base class for deserializers, which defines the interface for deserializing arbitrary data using its reflection metadata.
class EmbeddedArchive Archive implementation which reads data embedded in the application. Meant to be used with the
quadrados embed
tool. - class File final Represents a file in the virtual file system of the engine.
- class FileStream final Wrapper around an implementation-specific file stream which keeps the file alive and does some sanity checks.
- class FileSystem final Singleton which represents the virtual file system of the engine.
- class JSONDeserializer Deserializer implementation which allows reading data from a JSON object.
- class JSONSerializer Implementation of the abstract Serializer class for serializing to JSON.
- class Serializer Base class for serializers, which defines the interface for serializing arbitrary data using its reflection metadata.
class StandardArchive Archive implementation which reads and writes from/into the OS file system using the standard library.
- struct FileInfo Information about a file in the directory.
namespace ecs ECS module.
- namespace impl Contains functions used internally by the implementation of the ECS.
class ArchetypeGraph Stores which column types each archetype holds and the edges which connect them.
- struct Node Represents an archetype in the graph.
- struct ArchetypeId Identifies an archetype.
- struct ArchetypeIdHash Hash functor for ArchetypeId.
- struct Arguments Resource which stores the command-line arguments.
- class Blueprint final Collection of entities and their respective components and relations.
- struct ColumnId Identifies a data column type.
- struct ColumnIdHash Used to hash ColumnId objects.
- class CommandBuffer final Stores commands to execute them later.
- class Commands final System argument used to write ECS commands and execute them at a later time.
- struct ConditionId Identifies a condition.
class Cubos final Represents the engine itself, and exposes the interface with which the game developer interacts with. Ties up all the different parts of the engine together.
- struct Debug Stores debugging-related state.
- struct PluginInfo Stores information regarding a plugin.
- struct TagInfo Stores information regarding a tag.
- struct DataTypeId Identifies a data type registered in the world.
- struct DataTypeIdHash Hash functor for DataTypeId.
- struct DeltaTime Resource which stores the time since the last iteration of the main loop started.
- class DenseTable final Stores the dense data associated to entities of a given archetype.
- class DenseTableRegistry final Stores the dense tables of a given world.
- class DynamicPlugin Manages the loading and unloading of a plugin from a shared library.
- struct Entity Identifies an entity.
- struct EntityHash Used to hash Entity objects.
class EntityPool final Manages the creation and destruction of entity identifiers, as well as storing their archetype identifiers.
- struct Entry Contains the state of an entity.
- struct EphemeralTrait Trait used to identify types which are ephemeral and should not be persisted.
class EventPipe Resource which stores events of type
.- struct Event Stores an event, its mask and its read count.
class EventReader System arguments used to read events of type
.- class Iterator Used to iterate over events received by a reader.
- class EventWriter System argument which allows the system to send events of type
to other systems. - struct Name Component which stores the name of an entity.
- struct ObserverId Identifies an observer.
- class Observers Stores and manages all of the observers associated with a world.
- class Planner Layer on top of Schedule, used to build them with added abstractions such as tags.
- struct PluginQueue final Stores plugin operations to be executed later.
- class Plugins final System argument used to add or remove Cubos plugins at runtime.
- class Query System argument which holds the result of a query over all entities in world which match the given arguments.
- class QueryArchetypeNode final Node which forces a given target to belong to a set of archetypes.
- class QueryData Holds the data necessary to execute a query.
- class QueryFetcher Type meant to be specialized which implements for each argument type the necessary logic to extract it from the tables.
class QueryFilter Used to find matches for the given query terms. Essentially contains the non-templated part of the query logic.
- struct Match Output structure of the iterator.
- class QueryNode Query filter step, which receives an iterator and advances it until it points to a valid match.
class QueryRelatedNode final Node which forces two given targets to be related with a given relation.
- struct ReverseEntry Entry in the reverse table cache.
- struct QueryTerm Describes a term in a query.
- class Schedule Stores schedule nodes and the restrictions that must be met for them to run.
- struct ShouldQuit Resource used as a flag to indicate whether the main loop should stop running.
- class SparseRelationTable final A table which stores relations. Allows for quick insertion, deletion and iteration.
- struct SparseRelationTableId Identifies a sparse relation table.
- struct SparseRelationTableIdHash Hash functor for SparseRelationTableId.
class SparseRelationTableRegistry Stores all of the sparse relation tables.
- class TypeIndex Stores the ids of tables of a given type.
- struct SymmetricTrait Trait used to identify symmetric relations.
class System Holds a system with a return type
.- class SystemFunction Specific class for the stored system function type with specific arguments.
- struct SystemTraits Used to get a SystemFunction from any functional type.
- struct SystemAccess Describes the types of data a system accesses.
- struct SystemContext Context passed by the system caller to the fetchers.
- class SystemFetcher Type meant to be specialized which implements for each argument type the necessary logic to extract it from the world.
- struct SystemId Identifies a system.
- struct SystemOptions Contains extra options for a specific system argument.
- class SystemRegistry Stores known systems and conditions.
- class Tables final Stores the tables of a given world.
- class Tag Represents a tag to be used with the Cubos class.
- struct TreeTrait Trait used to identify tree relations.
- class TypeBuilder Builder for reflection::
Type objects which represent ECS types. -
class Types final Registry of all data types used in an ECS world.
- struct Entry Describes a data type.
- class World Holds entities, their components and resources.
namespace geom Geometry module.
- struct AABB Represents an axis-aligned bounding box.
- struct Box Represents a box shape.
- struct Capsule Represents a capsule or sphere shape.
- struct Frustum Represents a camera frustum.
- struct Intersection Contains info regarding an intersection between shapes.
- struct Plane Represents a plane. Assumes equation: normal.x + normal.y + normal.z + d = 0.
- struct PolygonalFeature Represents a polygonal feature. Used internally for manifold computation.
namespace gl Graphics module.
namespace impl Namespace to store the abstract types implemented by the render device implementations.
- class BlendState Abstract blend state.
- class ConstantBuffer Abstract constant buffer.
- class CubeMap Abstract cube map.
- class DepthStencilState Abstract depth stencil state.
- class Framebuffer Abstract framebuffer.
- class IndexBuffer Abstract index buffer.
- class PipelinedTimer Pipelined timer.
- class PixelPackBuffer Abstract pixel pack buffer.
- class RasterState Abstract rasterizer state.
- class Sampler Abstract sampler.
- class ShaderBindingPoint Abstract shader binding point.
- class ShaderPipeline Abstract shader pipeline.
- class ShaderStage Abstract shader stage.
- class Texture2D Abstract 2D texture.
- class Texture2DArray Abstract 2D texture array.
- class Texture3D Abstract 3D texture.
- class Timer Abstract timer.
- class VertexArray Abstract vertex array.
- class VertexBuffer Abstract vertex buffer.
- struct BlendStateDesc Describes a blend state.
- struct ConstantBufferElement Describes an element in a constant buffer.
- struct ConstantBufferStructure Describes the structure of a constant buffer.
- struct CubeMapDesc Describes a cube map.
- struct DepthStencilStateDesc Describes a depth stencil state.
struct FramebufferDesc Describes a framebuffer.
- struct CubeMapTarget Describes a cube map target.
- struct FramebufferTarget Describes a framebuffer target.
- struct Texture2DArrayTarget Describes a 2D texture array target.
- struct Texture2DTarget Describes a 2D texture target.
- struct RasterStateDesc Decribes a rasterizer state.
- class RenderDevice Interface used to wrap low-level rendering APIs such as OpenGL.
- struct SamplerDesc Describes a sampler.
- struct Texture2DArrayDesc Describes a 2D texture array.
- struct Texture2DDesc Describes a 2D texture.
- struct Texture3DDesc Describes a 3D texture.
- struct VertexArrayDesc Describes a vertex array.
- struct VertexElement Describes a vertex element.
namespace impl Namespace to store the abstract types implemented by the render device implementations.
namespace io Input and output module.
- class BaseWindow Interface used to wrap low-level window API implementations.
- class Cursor Handle for a custom mouse cursor.
- struct GamepadConnectionEvent Event sent when a gamepad is connected or disconnected.
- struct GamepadState Holds the state of a gamepad.
- struct KeyEvent Event sent when a key is pressed or released.
- struct ModifiersEvent Event sent when the modifiers change.
- struct MouseButtonEvent Event sent when a mouse button state changes.
- struct MouseMoveEvent Event sent when the mouse cursor moves.
- struct MouseScrollEvent Event sent when the mouse wheel is scrolled.
- struct ResizeEvent Event sent when the window framebuffer is resized.
- struct TextEvent Event sent when a unicode character is input.
namespace memory Memory module.
- class AnyValue final Stores a blob of a given reflected type.
- class AnyVector final Stores a dynamically sized array of blobs of a given reflected type.
- class BufferStream Stream implementation which writes to/reads from a buffer.
- class Function final Generic function pointer which can also store capturing lambda functions.
- struct IsLValueReference Used to check if a type is an rvalue reference.
- class Opt Wrapper for reference types to indicate that the given argument type is optional.
- class ReadGuard Provides safe read-only access to an object using a lock.
- struct RemoveReference Provides a type which is the same as the given type, but without any references.
- class StandardStream Stream implementation which wraps a
file pointer. - class Stream Interface class for memory streams. Abstracts away sources or destinations of data.
- class TypeMap A map that stores values of type
, using reflection types as keys. - class UnorderedBimap final A bidirectional hash table.
- class WriteGuard Provides safe read-write access to an object using a lock.
namespace net Networking module.
- class Address Represents an address, either IPv4 or IPv6.
- class TcpListener final A TCP socket server, listening for connections.
- class TcpStream Stream implementation which writes to/reads from a TCP connection.
- class UdpSocket Represents a UDP socket.
namespace reflection Reflection module.
- class ArrayTrait final Exposes array-like functionality of a type.
class ConstructibleTrait Describes how a reflected type may be constructed and destructed.
- class Builder Builder for ConstructibleTrait.
class DictionaryTrait final Exposes dictionary-like functionality of a type.
- struct Entry Output structure for the iterator.
- class EnumTrait Provides enumeration functionality to an enumerated type.
class FieldsTrait Describes the fields of a reflected type.
- class AddressOfImpl Implementation of AddressOf for a pointer to member.
- struct Output Output structure for the iterator.
- class InheritsTrait Provides inheritance relationship between types.
- class MaskTrait Provides mask functionality to an enum mask type.
- class NullableTrait Used to manipulate values of null-representable types.
- struct Reflect Defines the reflection function for the given type
. - class StringConversionTrait Stores functions for converting a type to and from a string.
class Type final Describes a reflected type.
- struct Trait Trait entry in the type.
- class TypeClient final Manages the client-side of a reflection channel on top of a stream.
- class TypeRegistry final Stores a set of types which can be accessed by name.
- class TypeServer final Used to setup a TypeChannel on top of a stream, from the server side.
namespace tel Telemetry module.
- class Logger final Singleton which holds the logging state.
- class Metrics Singleton class that manages a collection of metrics.
- class SpanGuard A guard object that automatically ends the current span when it goes out of scope.
- struct SpanId Uniquely identifies a span.
- class SpanManager Manages the creation and ending of spans.
namespace thread Threading module.
- class Process final Provides a cross-platform way to spawn child processes.
class Task final Provides a mechanism to access the results of asynchronous operations.
- struct Data Tracks the eventual result of the task, and is used to deliver it.
- class ThreadPool final Manages a pool of threads, to which tasks can be submitted.
namespace al Audio module.
namespace engine Engine module.
- struct AccumulatedCorrection Component which holds the corrections accumulated from the constraints solving.
- struct AngularImpulse Component which holds angular impulses applied on a body.
- struct AngularVelocity Component which holds angular velocity of a body.
- class AnyAsset Handle to an asset of any type. May either be weak or strong. Weak handles do not guarantee the asset is loaded, while strong handles do.
- class Asset Handle to an asset of a specific type.
- class AssetBridge Bridges are the objects responsible for loading and saving assets from/to disk. They form the bridge between the asset manager and the virtual file system.
class AssetMeta final Stores metadata about an asset - the data stored in .meta files. Each asset has a corresponding meta object, which contains load or import parameters.
- struct Exclude Used as context to exclude parameters from being serialized.
- class Assets final Resource which manages all assets. Responsible for loading and unloading assets, storing them in memory, and providing access to them.
- struct Audio Asset containing raw Audio data.
- class AudioBridge Bridge which loads and saves Audio assets.
- struct AudioListener Component which adds an AudioListener to the entitiy.
- struct AudioPause Component which triggers the pause of an audio source.
- struct AudioPlay Component which triggers the play of an audio source.
- struct AudioSource Component which makes an entity emit sound.
- struct AudioStop Component which triggers the stop of an audio source.
- struct Bloom Component which stores the Bloom state for a render target.
- struct BoxCollisionShape Component which adds a box collision shape to an entity, used with a Collider component.
- struct Camera Generic component to hold the projection matrix of a specific camera (either perspective or orthogonal).
- struct CapsuleCollisionShape Component which adds a capsule collision shape to an entity, used with a Collider component.
- struct CenterOfMass Component which defines the center of mass of a body.
- struct ChildOf Tree relation which indicates the 'from' entity is a child of the 'to' entity.
- struct Collider Component which adds a collider to an entity.
- struct CollidingWith Relation which represents a collision.
- struct CollisionLayers Component that contains the collision layers where the collider appears in. Check also CollisionMask.
- struct CollisionMask Component that contains the mask of layers which the collider can collide with. Check also CollisionLayers.
- class ContactFeatureId Indicates the type of a geometric feature (vertex, edge, or face) and the feature index. Currently each feature index is simply the index in the array with that information in the shape.
- struct ContactManifold Represents a contact interface between two bodies.
- struct ContactPointData Contains info regarding a contact point of a @ContactManifold.
- struct Damping Resource which holds the damping value for integration.
- class DataInspector final Resource which allows the user to inspect or modify any reflectable value on the UI.
- struct DeferredShading Component which stores the Deferred Shading state for a render target.
- struct DirectionalLight Component which makes an entity behave like a directional light.
- struct DirectionalShadowCaster Component which enables shadow casting on a directional light.
- struct DrawsTo Relation which indicates the 'from' entity is a camera that draws to the 'to' target.
- class FileBridge Abstract bridge type defined to reduce boilerplate code in bridge implementations which open a single file to load and save assets.
- struct FixedAccumulatedTime Resource which holds the accumulated time for the fixedStep plugin.
- struct FixedDeltaTime Resource which holds the value of the fixed delta for the fixedStep plugin.
- class Font Asset containing raw font data containing the glyphs and their shape. This is used to create FontAtlas that can be used for rendering text.
- class FontAtlas Class that holds all the necessary data about a font atlas. This font atlas represents the texure created from all the different glyphs in a font, that will be then used for drawing the text.
- class FontAtlasBridge Bridge which loads FontAtlas assets.
- class FontBridge Bridge which loads Font assets.
- struct FontGlyph Struct that holds glyph data such as texcoords, position offsets and advance.
- struct Force Component which holds forces applied on a particle.
- struct FreeCameraController Component which moves the camera.
- struct FXAA Component which stores the FXAA configuration for a render target.
- struct GBuffer Component which stores the GBuffer textures of a render target.
- struct GBufferRasterizer Component which stores the GBuffer rasterizer state.
class Gizmos final Resource which queues commands for drawing gizmos, basic primitives useful for debugging and tools.
- class Gizmo Class that describes a type of gizmo.
- struct GizmosTarget Component used to indicate that Gizmos should be rendered to a given RenderTarget.
- struct Gravity Resource which holds the global value of gravity.
- struct HDR Component which stores the HDR texture of a render target.
- struct Image Asset containing raw Image data.
- class ImageBridge Bridge which loads and saves Image assets.
- struct ImGuiContextHolder Resource which stores a pointer to the ImGui context created by the ImGui plugin.
- struct ImGuiTarget Component used to indicate that the ImGui frame should be rendered to a given RenderTarget.
- struct Impulse Component which holds impulses applied on a particle.
- struct Inertia Component which defines the inertia of a body.
- class Input final Resource which stores the input bindings for multiple players.
- class InputAction final Stores the state of a single input action, such as "jump" or "attack".
- class InputAxis final Stores the state of a single input axis, such as "move forward" or "move right".
- class InputBindings final Stores the input bindings for a single player.
- class InputCombination final Stores the keys, gamepad buttons, and mouse buttons of a single input combination.
- class JSONBridge Bridge for loading and saving assets which are serialized to and from a JSON file.
- struct LoadRenderVoxels Component used to indicate that a voxel grid should be sent to the GPU.
- struct LocalToParent Component which stores the transformation matrix of an entity, from local to parent space.
- struct LocalToWorld Component which stores the transformation matrix of an entity, from local to world space.
- struct Mass Component which defines the mass of a particle.
- struct OrthographicCamera Component which defines parameters of a orthographic camera used to render the world.
- struct PerspectiveCamera Component which defines parameters of a perspective camera used to render the world.
- struct PhysicsBundle Component which encapsulates the creation all components required for physics.
- struct PhysicsMaterial Component which defines the friction and bounciness of a body.
- struct PointLight Component which makes an entity behave like a point light.
- class PointShadowAtlas Resource which stores the shadow map atlas for point lights, a large texture that holds the shadow maps for each shadow caster in a quadtree structure, reducing texture switching.
- struct PointShadowCaster Component which enables shadow casting on a point light.
- struct Position Component which assigns a position to an entity.
- class Raycast System argument which allows performing raycast queries among all entities with colliders.
- struct RenderDepth Component which stores the depth texture of a render target.
- struct RenderEnvironment Resource which stores the scene's ambient light and sky colors.
- struct RenderMesh Component used to draw meshes stored in the vertex pool.
class RenderMeshPool Used to allocate render meshes, which can then be rendered using a single draw call.
- struct BucketId Identifies a bucket in the pool.
- struct RenderMeshVertex Vertex data type stored in the RenderMeshPool's vertex buffer.
- struct RenderPalette Resource which identifies the currently active palette of the scene.
- struct RenderPicker Component which provides a texture to store entity/gizmo ids, for selection with a mouse.
- struct RenderTarget Component which represents a render target.
- struct RenderTargetDefaults Component which replaces itself by the default render target components to an entity.
- struct RenderVoxelGrid Component used to draw voxel grids.
- struct Rotation Component which assigns a rotation to an entity.
- struct Scale Component which assigns a uniform scale to an entity.
- struct Scene Asset equivalent to ECS blueprints - a bundle of entities and their components.
- class SceneBridge Bridge which loads and saves Scene assets.
- struct Selection Resource which identifies the current selection.
- class Settings final Stores settings as key-value pairs and provides methods to retrieve them.
- class Shader final Contains a shader stage created from GLSL code.
- class ShaderBridge Bridge for loading shader assets.
- class ShaderBuilder final Configures compile-time shader parameters using #define macros.
- struct ShadowAtlasRasterizer Resource which stores the ShadowAtlas rasterizer state.
- struct ShadowCaster Struct which contains the settings common to all shadow casters.
- struct ShadowMapSlot Slot for a shadow map in the shadow atlas.
- struct SolverConstants Resource which allows configuration over constants in the solver plugin.
- struct SplitScreen Component which enables splitscreen in a render target.
- struct SpotLight Component which makes an entity emit a spot light in the direction of its local forward vector.
- class SpotShadowAtlas Resource which stores the shadow map atlas for spot lights, a large texture that holds the shadow maps for each shadow caster in a quadtree structure, reducing texture switching.
- struct SpotShadowCaster Component which enables shadow casting on a spot light.
- struct SSAO Component which stores the SSAO textures for a render target.
- struct ToneMapping Component which stores Tone Mapping configuration for a render target.
- class Toolbox final Manages the visibility of each tool.
- struct Torque Component which holds torque applied on a body.
- struct UICanvas Component which represents a target for UI rendering.
- struct UIColorRect Component that draws a UI element as a solid color.
class UIDrawList final Holds a collections of draw commands and their data.
- struct Command Describes a UI draw instruction.
- struct Entry Describes a draw commands and how it fits into the draw list carrying it.
- class EntryBuilder Builds an Entry.
- struct Type Describes a UI draw call type.
- struct UIElement Component which defines the space an element of the UI occupies as a rect.
- struct UIExpand Component which makes a UI canvas scale to maintain proportions, choosing the dimension which reduces the element sizes on screen.
- struct UIHorizontalStretch Component which makes a UI element fit horizontally to its parent.
- struct UIImage Component used to draw images on the UI.
- struct UIKeepPixelSize Component which makes a UI canvas scale to keep its elements at the same pixel size.
- struct UIMatchHeight Component which makes a UI canvas scale to maintain vertical proportions.
- struct UIMatchWidth Component which makes a UI canvas scale to maintain horizontal proportions.
- struct UINativeAspectRatio Component which makes a UI element keep the aspect ratio of its source.
- struct UIText Component used to draw text on the UI.
- struct UITextStretch Component which makes a UI element fit the text it has.
- struct UIVerticalStretch Component which makes a UI element fit vertically to its parent.
- struct Velocity Component which holds velocity and forces applied on a particle.
class VoxelCollisionShape Component which adds a collision shape corresponding to a given voxel grid to an entity, used with a Collider component.
- struct BoxShiftPair Struct which holds a sub-box of the voxel collision shape, and its shift from the center of the shape.
- class VoxelGrid final Represents a voxel object using a 3D grid.
- class VoxelGridBridge Bridge which loads and saves Grid assets.
- struct VoxelMaterial Describes a voxel material.
- class VoxelModel final Holds the data loaded from voxel model files, such as Qubicle models.
- class VoxelModelBridge Bridge which loads and saves VoxelModel assets.
class VoxelPalette final Holds a palette of materials. Supports up to 65535 materials.
- class Iterator Used to iterate over materials on the palette.
- class VoxelPaletteBridge Bridge which loads and saves Palette assets.
namespace core Core namespace.
namespace tesseratos Tesseratos namespace.
- struct AssetSelectedEvent Event sent when an asset is selected.
- class ProjectManager System argument which can be used to manage the currently loaded project.