cubos::engine::UIDrawList::EntryBuilder class

Builds an Entry.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

EntryBuilder(Entry& entry)
Constructs builder with required data.

Public functions

auto withTexture(int texIndex, cubos::core::gl::Texture2D texture, cubos::core::gl::Sampler sampler = nullptr) -> EntryBuilder
Adds a texture to the entry.

Function documentation

cubos::engine::UIDrawList::EntryBuilder::EntryBuilder(Entry& entry)

Constructs builder with required data.

entry Reference to the associated entry.

EntryBuilder cubos::engine::UIDrawList::EntryBuilder::withTexture(int texIndex, cubos::core::gl::Texture2D texture, cubos::core::gl::Sampler sampler = nullptr)

Adds a texture to the entry.

texIndex Index of the texture to add.
texture Texture to add.
sampler Sampler to be used with the texture.
Returns The builder.