cubos::core::io::BaseWindow class

Interface used to wrap low-level window API implementations.

Allows polling of input events and creates a gl::RenderDevice for rendering to the window.

Public functions

void pushEvent(WindowEvent&& event)
Pushes an event to the event queue.
auto pollEvent() -> std::optional<WindowEvent>
Polls the window for events.
void swapBuffers() pure virtual
Swaps the window buffers.
auto renderDevice() const -> gl::RenderDevice& pure virtual
Gets the render device associated with this window.
auto size() const -> glm::uvec2 pure virtual
Gets the window size, which may differ from the framebuffer size.
auto framebufferSize() const -> glm::uvec2 pure virtual
Gets the window framebuffer size, which may differ from the window size.
auto contentScale() const -> float pure virtual
Gets the window content scale, commonly known as "DPI scale".
auto shouldClose() const -> bool pure virtual
Checks whether the window should close.
auto time() const -> double pure virtual
Gets the time since the window was created.
void mouseState(MouseState state) pure virtual
Sets the mouse state when the window is focused.
auto mouseState() const -> MouseState pure virtual
Gets the mouse state when the window is focused.
auto getMousePosition() -> glm::ivec2 pure virtual
Gets the position of the mouse cursor.
void setMousePosition(glm::ivec2 position) pure virtual
Sets the position of the mouse cursor.
auto createCursor(Cursor::Standard standard) -> std::shared_ptr<Cursor> pure virtual
Creates a new cursor with a standard shape.
void cursor(std::shared_ptr<Cursor> cursor) pure virtual
Sets the current cursor. Pass nullptr to use the default cursor.
void clipboard(const std::string& text) pure virtual
Sets the content of the clipboard.
auto clipboard() const -> const char* pure virtual
Gets the content of the clipboard.
auto modifiers() const -> Modifiers pure virtual
Gets the last used keyboard modifiers.
auto pressed(Key key, Modifiers modifiers = Modifiers::None) const -> bool pure virtual
Checks if a key is currently pressed with (at least) the given modifiers.
auto pressed(MouseButton button) const -> bool pure virtual
Checks if a mouse button is currently pressed.
auto gamepadState(int gamepad, GamepadState& state) const -> bool pure virtual
Gets the state of the specified gamepad.

Protected functions

void pollEvents() pure virtual
Asks the implementation to fill the event queue with new events.

Function documentation

void cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::pushEvent(WindowEvent&& event)

Pushes an event to the event queue.

event Event to push.

std::optional<WindowEvent> cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::pollEvent()

Polls the window for events.

Returns Next event, or std::nullopt if there are no more events.

gl::RenderDevice& cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::renderDevice() const pure virtual

Gets the render device associated with this window.

Returns Render device associated with this window.

glm::uvec2 cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::size() const pure virtual

Gets the window size, which may differ from the framebuffer size.

Returns Window size, in screen coordinates.

glm::uvec2 cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::framebufferSize() const pure virtual

Gets the window framebuffer size, which may differ from the window size.

Returns Window framebuffer size, in pixels.

float cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::contentScale() const pure virtual

Gets the window content scale, commonly known as "DPI scale".

Returns Ratio between the current DPI and the platform's default DPI.

bool cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::shouldClose() const pure virtual

Checks whether the window should close.

Returns Whether the window should close.

double cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::time() const pure virtual

Gets the time since the window was created.

Returns Time since the window was created, in seconds.

void cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::mouseState(MouseState state) pure virtual

Sets the mouse state when the window is focused.

state Mouse state.

MouseState cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::mouseState() const pure virtual

Gets the mouse state when the window is focused.

Returns Mouse state when the window is focused.

glm::ivec2 cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::getMousePosition() pure virtual

Gets the position of the mouse cursor.

Returns Position of the mouse cursor, in screen coordinates.

void cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::setMousePosition(glm::ivec2 position) pure virtual

Sets the position of the mouse cursor.

position New position of the mouse cursor, in screen coordinates.

std::shared_ptr<Cursor> cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::createCursor(Cursor::Standard standard) pure virtual

Creates a new cursor with a standard shape.

standard Standard cursor to use.
Returns New cursor, or nullptr if creation failed.

void cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::cursor(std::shared_ptr<Cursor> cursor) pure virtual

Sets the current cursor. Pass nullptr to use the default cursor.

cursor New cursor.

void cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::clipboard(const std::string& text) pure virtual

Sets the content of the clipboard.

text New clipboard text.

const char* cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::clipboard() const pure virtual

Gets the content of the clipboard.

Returns Text from the clipboard. Guaranteed to be valid until the next call.

Modifiers cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::modifiers() const pure virtual

Gets the last used keyboard modifiers.

Returns Active keyboard modifiers.

bool cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::pressed(Key key, Modifiers modifiers = Modifiers::None) const pure virtual

Checks if a key is currently pressed with (at least) the given modifiers.

key Key to check.
modifiers Modifiers to check.
Returns Whether the key and modifiers (or a superset of) are currently pressed.

bool cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::pressed(MouseButton button) const pure virtual

Checks if a mouse button is currently pressed.

button Mouse button to check.
Returns Whether the mouse button is currently pressed.

bool cubos::core::io::BaseWindow::gamepadState(int gamepad, GamepadState& state) const pure virtual

Gets the state of the specified gamepad.

gamepad Gamepad to get the state of.
state State to fill with the gamepad state.
Returns Whether the gamepad was found.