cubos::engine::Gizmos class final

Resource which queues commands for drawing gizmos, basic primitives useful for debugging and tools.

Public types

class Gizmo
Class that describes a type of gizmo.
enum Space { World, View, Screen }
Space to draw a gizmo in.

Public functions

void color(const glm::vec3& color)
Sets the color to be used when drawing any subsequent gizmos.
void drawLine(const std::string& id, glm::vec3 from, glm::vec3 to, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)
Draws a line gizmo.
void drawBox(const std::string& id, glm::vec3 corner, glm::vec3 oppositeCorner, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)
Draws a filled box gizmo.
void drawBox(const std::string& id, const glm::mat4& transform, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)
Draws a filled box gizmo.
void drawCutCone(const std::string& id, glm::vec3 firstBaseCenter, float firstBaseRadius, glm::vec3 secondBaseCenter, float secondBaseRadius, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)
Draws a cut cone gizmo.
void drawRing(const std::string& id, glm::vec3 firstBasePosition, glm::vec3 secondBasePosition, float outerRadius, float innerRadius, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)
Draws a ring gizmo.
void drawArrow(const std::string& id, glm::vec3 origin, glm::vec3 direction, float girth, float width, float ratio = 0.F, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)
Draws an arrow gizmo.
void drawWireBox(const std::string& id, glm::vec3 corner, glm::vec3 oppositeCorner, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)
Draws a wireframe box gizmo.
void drawWireBox(const std::string& id, const glm::mat4& transform, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)
Draws a wireframe box gizmo.
auto pressed(const std::string& id) const -> bool
Checks whether the left mouse button was pressed over a gizmo.
auto locked(const std::string& id) const -> bool
Checks whether the left mouse button was pressed over a gizmo.
auto hovered(const std::string& id) const -> bool
Checks whether the mouse cursor is over a gizmo.
void handleInput(uint32_t hovered, bool pressed)
Notifies that a given gizmo is being hovered. Called automatically by an internal system.
void setLocked(uint32_t locked)
Notifies that a given gizmo is locked.
void releaseLocked()
Notifies that the previously locked gizmo is no longer locked.

Public variables

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Gizmo>> worldGizmos
Queued gizmos to be drawn in world space.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Gizmo>> viewGizmos
Queued gizmos to be drawn in viewport space.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Gizmo>> screenGizmos
Queued gizmos to be drawn in screen space.
bool mLocking
Whether the mouse has just now been pressed.

Enum documentation

enum cubos::engine::Gizmos::Space

Space to draw a gizmo in.


Draw gizmo in the game world.


Draw gizmo in every camera's viewport.


Draw gizmo in the screen.

Function documentation

void cubos::engine::Gizmos::color(const glm::vec3& color)

Sets the color to be used when drawing any subsequent gizmos.

color Color to be used.

void cubos::engine::Gizmos::drawLine(const std::string& id, glm::vec3 from, glm::vec3 to, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)

Draws a line gizmo.

id Identifier of the gizmo.
from One of the ends of the line to be drawn.
to The other end of the line to be drawn.
lifespan How long the line will be on screen for, in seconds. Defaults to 0, which means a single frame.
space Space to draw the gizmo in.

void cubos::engine::Gizmos::drawBox(const std::string& id, glm::vec3 corner, glm::vec3 oppositeCorner, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)

Draws a filled box gizmo.

id Identifier of the gizmo.
corner One of the corners of the box to be drawn.
oppositeCorner The opposite corner of the box to be drawn.
lifespan How long the line will be on screen for, in seconds. Defaults to 0, which means a single frame.
space Space to draw the gizmo in.

void cubos::engine::Gizmos::drawBox(const std::string& id, const glm::mat4& transform, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)

Draws a filled box gizmo.

id Identifier of the gizmo.
transform Transformation matrix to apply to a unit-sized box centered at the origin.
lifespan How long the line will be on screen for, in seconds. Defaults to 0, which means a single frame.
space Space to draw the gizmo in.

void cubos::engine::Gizmos::drawCutCone(const std::string& id, glm::vec3 firstBaseCenter, float firstBaseRadius, glm::vec3 secondBaseCenter, float secondBaseRadius, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)

Draws a cut cone gizmo.

id Identifier of the gizmo.
firstBaseCenter Center of one of the bases.
firstBaseRadius Radius of one of the bases.
secondBaseCenter Center of the second base.
secondBaseRadius Radius of the second base.
lifespan How long the line will be on screen for, in seconds. Defaults to 0, which means a single frame.
space Space to draw the gizmo in.

void cubos::engine::Gizmos::drawRing(const std::string& id, glm::vec3 firstBasePosition, glm::vec3 secondBasePosition, float outerRadius, float innerRadius, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)

Draws a ring gizmo.

id Identifier of the gizmo.
firstBasePosition Center of one of the bases.
secondBasePosition Center of the second base.
outerRadius Radius of one of the ring.
innerRadius Radius of the of the hole.
lifespan How long the line will be on screen for, in seconds. Defaults to 0, which means a single frame.
space Space to draw the gizmo in.

void cubos::engine::Gizmos::drawArrow(const std::string& id, glm::vec3 origin, glm::vec3 direction, float girth, float width, float ratio = 0.F, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)

Draws an arrow gizmo.

id Identifier of the gizmo.
origin Point from which the arrow starts.
direction Direction of the arrow.
girth Radius of the cylinder part of the arrow.
width Radius of the base of the cone at the tip of the arrow.
ratio Point of the arrow at which the cylinder ends and the cone begins.
lifespan How long the line will be on screen for, in seconds. Defaults to 0, which means a single frame.
space Space to draw the gizmo in.

void cubos::engine::Gizmos::drawWireBox(const std::string& id, glm::vec3 corner, glm::vec3 oppositeCorner, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)

Draws a wireframe box gizmo.

id Identifier of the gizmo.
corner One of the corners of the box to be drawn.
oppositeCorner The opposite corner of the box to be drawn.
lifespan How long the line will be on screen for, in seconds. Defaults to 0, which means a single frame.
space Space to draw the gizmo in.

void cubos::engine::Gizmos::drawWireBox(const std::string& id, const glm::mat4& transform, float lifespan = 0.0F, Space space = Space::World)

Draws a wireframe box gizmo.

id Identifier of the gizmo.
transform Transformation matrix to apply to a unit-sized box centered at the origin.
lifespan How long the line will be on screen for, in seconds. Defaults to 0, which means a single frame.
space Space to draw the gizmo in.

bool cubos::engine::Gizmos::pressed(const std::string& id) const

Checks whether the left mouse button was pressed over a gizmo.

id Identifier of the gizmo.
Returns Whether the gizmo was pressed.

bool cubos::engine::Gizmos::locked(const std::string& id) const

Checks whether the left mouse button was pressed over a gizmo.

id Identifier of the gizmo.
Returns Whether the gizmo was pressed.

bool cubos::engine::Gizmos::hovered(const std::string& id) const

Checks whether the mouse cursor is over a gizmo.

id Identifier of the gizmo.
Returns Whether the mouse button is over a gizmo.

void cubos::engine::Gizmos::handleInput(uint32_t hovered, bool pressed)

Notifies that a given gizmo is being hovered. Called automatically by an internal system.

hovered Gizmo being hovered.
pressed Whether the mouse left button is pressed.

void cubos::engine::Gizmos::setLocked(uint32_t locked)

Notifies that a given gizmo is locked.

locked Gizmo being locked.