class final
#include <engine/voxels/palette.hpp>
VoxelPalette Holds a palette of materials. Supports up to 65535 materials.
Instead of storing the materials themselves in voxel data, Cubos uses palettes, and stores the index of the material in the palette instead.
This allows for more efficient storage of voxel data, since now instead of storing the whole material per each voxel, we just store a 16-bit integer.
Public types
- class Iterator
- Used to iterate over materials on the palette.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- VoxelPalette(std::vector<VoxelMaterial>&& materials)
- Constructs a palette with the given materials.
- VoxelPalette() defaulted
- Constructs an empty palette.
- VoxelPalette(const VoxelPalette&) defaulted
- Copy constructs.
- VoxelPalette(VoxelPalette&&) defaulted noexcept
- Move constructs.
Public functions
- auto operator=(const VoxelPalette&) -> VoxelPalette& defaulted
- Copy assigns.
- auto operator=(VoxelPalette&&) -> VoxelPalette& defaulted noexcept
- Move assigns.
- auto data() const -> const VoxelMaterial*
- Gets a pointer to the array of materials on the palette.
- auto size() const -> uint16_t
- Gets the number of materials in the palette, excluding the empty material.
- auto get(uint16_t index) const -> const VoxelMaterial&
- Gets the material with the given index.
- void set(uint16_t index, const VoxelMaterial& material)
- Sets the material at the given index.
- auto find(const VoxelMaterial& material) const -> uint16_t
- Searches for the index of the material most similar with the given material.
- auto add(const VoxelMaterial& material, float similarity = 1.0F) -> uint16_t
- Adds a material to the palette, if one not similar enough already exists.
- auto push(const VoxelMaterial& material) -> uint16_t
- Pushes a material to the palette without checking for uniqueness.
- void merge(const VoxelPalette& palette, float similarity = 1.0F)
- Merges another palette into this one.
- auto begin() -> Iterator
- Returns an iterator to the first material.
- auto end() -> Iterator
- Returns an iterator to the last material.
auto loadFrom(core::
memory:: Stream& stream) -> bool - Loads the palette's data from the given stream.
auto writeTo(core::
memory:: Stream& stream) const -> bool - Writes the palette's data to the given stream.
Function documentation
cubos:: engine:: VoxelPalette:: VoxelPalette(std::vector<VoxelMaterial>&& materials)
Constructs a palette with the given materials.
Parameters | |
materials | Materials to add to the palette. |
const VoxelMaterial* cubos:: engine:: VoxelPalette:: data() const
Gets a pointer to the array of materials on the palette.
Returns | Pointer to the array of materials on the palette. |
uint16_t cubos:: engine:: VoxelPalette:: size() const
Gets the number of materials in the palette, excluding the empty material.
Returns | Number of materials in the palette. |
const VoxelMaterial& cubos:: engine:: VoxelPalette:: get(uint16_t index) const
Gets the material with the given index.
Parameters | |
index | Index of the material to get (1-based, 0 is empty). |
Returns | Material at the given index. |
void cubos:: engine:: VoxelPalette:: set(uint16_t index,
const VoxelMaterial& material)
Sets the material at the given index.
Parameters | |
index | Index of the material to set (1-based, 0 is empty). |
material | Material to set. |
uint16_t cubos:: engine:: VoxelPalette:: find(const VoxelMaterial& material) const
Searches for the index of the material most similar with the given material.
Parameters | |
material | Material to compare with. |
Returns | Index of the material. |
uint16_t cubos:: engine:: VoxelPalette:: add(const VoxelMaterial& material,
float similarity = 1.0F)
Adds a material to the palette, if one not similar enough already exists.
Parameters | |
material | Material to add. |
similarity | Minimum similarity for a material to be considered similar enough. |
Returns | Index of the material in the palette (1-based, 0 is empty). |
uint16_t cubos:: engine:: VoxelPalette:: push(const VoxelMaterial& material)
Pushes a material to the palette without checking for uniqueness.
Parameters | |
material | Material to push. |
Returns | Size of the palette. |
void cubos:: engine:: VoxelPalette:: merge(const VoxelPalette& palette,
float similarity = 1.0F)
Merges another palette into this one.
Parameters | |
palette | Palette to merge. |
similarity | Minimum similarity for two materials to be merged. |
bool cubos:: engine:: VoxelPalette:: loadFrom(core:: memory:: Stream& stream)
Loads the palette's data from the given stream.
Parameters | |
stream | Stream to read from. |
Returns | Whether the stream contained valid data. |
Assumes the data is stored in big-endian (network byte order). The first bytes correspond to an uint16_t, which represents the number of materials in the palette. The next bytes correspond to numMaterials * 4
floats (each material is represented by 4 floats (r, g, b, a)), which represents the actual palette data.
bool cubos:: engine:: VoxelPalette:: writeTo(core:: memory:: Stream& stream) const
Writes the palette's data to the given stream.
Parameters | |
stream | Stream to write to. |
Returns | Whether the write was successful. |
Writes in the format specified in loadFrom.