tesseratos namespace

Tesseratos namespace.


struct AssetSelectedEvent
Event sent when an asset is selected.
struct EntitySelector
Resource which identifies the currently selected entity.
class Toolbox
Resource which manages other tools windows.


void assetExplorerPlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
auto assetSelectionPopup(const std::string& title, cubos::engine::AnyAsset& selectedAsset, const cubos::core::reflection::Type& type, const cubos::engine::Assets& assets) -> bool
Displays a modal popup to select an asset of a specified type.
template<typename T>
auto assetSelectionPopup(const std::string& title, cubos::engine::AnyAsset& selectedAsset, const cubos::engine::Assets& assets) -> bool
Displays a modal popup to select an asset of a specified type.
void colliderGizmosPlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
void consolePlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
void debugCameraPlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
void debuggerPlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
void ecsStatisticsPlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
void entityInspectorPlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
void entitySelectorPlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
void metricsPanelPlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
void playPausePlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
void sceneEditorPlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
void settingsInspectorPlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
void toolboxPlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
void transformGizmoPlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
void voxelPaletteEditorPlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.
void worldInspectorPlugin(cubos::engine::Cubos& cubos)
Plugin entry function.

Function documentation

bool tesseratos::assetSelectionPopup(const std::string& title, cubos::engine::AnyAsset& selectedAsset, const cubos::core::reflection::Type& type, const cubos::engine::Assets& assets)

Displays a modal popup to select an asset of a specified type.

title Popup title.
selectedAsset out Output asset.
type Asset type to filter by.
assets Assets database to query.
Returns Whether an asset is selected.

template<typename T>
bool tesseratos::assetSelectionPopup(const std::string& title, cubos::engine::AnyAsset& selectedAsset, const cubos::engine::Assets& assets)

Displays a modal popup to select an asset of a specified type.

Template parameters
T Asset type to filter by.
title Popup title.
selectedAsset out Output asset.
assets Assets database to query.
Returns Whether an asset is selected.