cubos::core::ecs::CommandBuffer class final

Stores commands to execute them later.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

CommandBuffer(World& world)

Public functions

void insertResource(memory::AnyValue value)
Inserts a resource into the world.
void eraseResource(const reflection::Type& type)
Removes a resource from the world.
auto create() -> Entity
Creates a new entity.
void destroy(Entity entity)
Destroys an entity.
auto spawn(const Blueprint& blueprint, bool withName = true) -> std::unordered_map<std::string, Entity>
Spawns a blueprint into the world.
void add(Entity entity, const reflection::Type& type, void* value)
Adds a component to an entity.
void remove(Entity entity, const reflection::Type& type)
Removes a component from an entity.
void relate(Entity from, Entity to, const reflection::Type& type, void* value)
Inserts a relation between the two given entities.
void unrelate(Entity from, Entity to, const reflection::Type& type)
Removes the relation, if there's any, between the two given entities.
void push(memory::Function<void(World&)> command)
Pushes a command.
void commit()
Commits the commands to the world.

Function documentation

cubos::core::ecs::CommandBuffer::CommandBuffer(World& world)


world World to which the commands will be applied.

void cubos::core::ecs::CommandBuffer::insertResource(memory::AnyValue value)

Inserts a resource into the world.

value Resource value.

void cubos::core::ecs::CommandBuffer::eraseResource(const reflection::Type& type)

Removes a resource from the world.

type Resource type.

Entity cubos::core::ecs::CommandBuffer::create()

Creates a new entity.

Returns Entity identifier.

void cubos::core::ecs::CommandBuffer::destroy(Entity entity)

Destroys an entity.

entity Entity identifier.

std::unordered_map<std::string, Entity> cubos::core::ecs::CommandBuffer::spawn(const Blueprint& blueprint, bool withName = true)

Spawns a blueprint into the world.

blueprint Blueprint to spawn.
withName Whether to use the entity names from the blueprint.
Returns Map of entity names to their identifiers.

void cubos::core::ecs::CommandBuffer::add(Entity entity, const reflection::Type& type, void* value)

Adds a component to an entity.

entity Entity identifier.
type Component type.
value Component value to be moved.

void cubos::core::ecs::CommandBuffer::remove(Entity entity, const reflection::Type& type)

Removes a component from an entity.

entity Entity identifier.
type Component type.

void cubos::core::ecs::CommandBuffer::relate(Entity from, Entity to, const reflection::Type& type, void* value)

Inserts a relation between the two given entities.

from From entity.
to To entity.
type Relation type.
value Relation value to move.

If the relation already exists, it is overwritten.

void cubos::core::ecs::CommandBuffer::unrelate(Entity from, Entity to, const reflection::Type& type)

Removes the relation, if there's any, between the two given entities.

from From entity.
to To entity.
type Relation type.

void cubos::core::ecs::CommandBuffer::push(memory::Function<void(World&)> command)

Pushes a command.

command Command function.