Core » Memory module

Provides a stream library and memory utilities.


file any_value.hpp
Class cubos::core::memory::AnyValue.
file any_vector.hpp
Class cubos::core::memory::AnyVector.
file buffer_stream.hpp
Class cubos::core::memory::BufferStream.
file endianness.hpp
Endianness utility functions.
file function.hpp
Class cubos::core::memory::Function.
file guards.hpp
Classes cubos::core::memory::ReadGuard and cubos::core::memory::WriteGuard.
file move.hpp
Functions cubos::core::memory::move and cubos::core::memory::forward.
file opt.hpp
Class cubos::core::memory::Opt.
file standard_stream.hpp
Class cubos::core::memory::StandardStream.
file stream.hpp
Class cubos::core::memory::Stream.
file type_map.hpp
Class cubos::core::memory::TypeMap.
file unordered_bimap.hpp
Class cubos::core::memory::UnorderedBimap.


class cubos::core::memory::AnyValue
Stores a blob of a given reflected type.
class cubos::core::memory::AnyVector
Stores a dynamically sized array of blobs of a given reflected type.
class cubos::core::memory::BufferStream
Stream implementation which writes to/reads from a buffer.
template<typename R, typename... Ts>
class cubos::core::memory::Function<R(Ts...)>
Generic function pointer which can also store capturing lambda functions.
template<typename T, typename Lock>
class cubos::core::memory::ReadGuard
Provides safe read-only access to an object using a lock.
template<typename T, typename Lock>
class cubos::core::memory::WriteGuard
Provides safe read-write access to an object using a lock.
template<typename T>
class cubos::core::memory::Opt
Wrapper for reference types to indicate that the given argument type is optional.
class cubos::core::memory::StandardStream
Stream implementation which wraps a libc file pointer.
class cubos::core::memory::Stream
Interface class for memory streams. Abstracts away sources or destinations of data.
template<typename V>
class cubos::core::memory::TypeMap
A map that stores values of type V, using reflection types as keys.
template<typename L, typename R, typename LHash = std::hash<L>, typename RHash = std::hash<R>>
class cubos::core::memory::UnorderedBimap
A bidirectional hash table.


enum class SeekOrigin { Begin, Current, End }
Stream seek origin.


template<typename T>
auto swapBytes(T value) -> T
Swaps the bytes of a value, changing its endianness.
auto isLittleEndian() -> bool
Checks if the current platform is little endian.
template<typename T>
auto fromLittleEndian(T value) -> T
Converts a value from little endianness to local endianness.
template<typename T>
auto toLittleEndian(T value) -> T
Converts a value from local endianness to little endianness.
template<typename T>
auto fromBigEndian(T value) -> T
Converts a value from big endianness to local endianness.
template<typename T>
auto toBigEndian(T value) -> T
Converts a value from local endianness to big endianness.
template<typename T>
auto move(T&& value) -> RemoveReference<T>::Type&& noexcept
Returns an R-value reference to the given value.
template<typename T>
auto forward(typename RemoveReference<T>::Type& argument) -> T&& noexcept
Used to cast a templated function parameter to the value category the caller used to pass it, which allows rvalues to be passed as rvalues and lvalues as lvalues.

Enum documentation

enum class SeekOrigin

Stream seek origin.

Function documentation

template<typename T>
T swapBytes(T value)

Swaps the bytes of a value, changing its endianness.

Template parameters
T Value type.
value Value to swap.
Returns Swapped value.

bool isLittleEndian()

Checks if the current platform is little endian.

Returns Whether its little endian.

template<typename T>
T fromLittleEndian(T value)

Converts a value from little endianness to local endianness.

Template parameters
T Value type.
value Value to convert.
Returns Converted value.

template<typename T>
T toLittleEndian(T value)

Converts a value from local endianness to little endianness.

Template parameters
T Value type.
value Value to convert.
Returns Converted value.

template<typename T>
T fromBigEndian(T value)

Converts a value from big endianness to local endianness.

Template parameters
T Value type.
value Value to convert.
Returns Converted value.

template<typename T>
T toBigEndian(T value)

Converts a value from local endianness to big endianness.

Template parameters
T Value type.
value Value to convert.
Returns Converted value.

template<typename T>
RemoveReference<T>::Type&& move(T&& value) noexcept

Returns an R-value reference to the given value.

Template parameters
T Value type.
value Value to move.
Returns Moved value.

template<typename T>
T&& forward(typename RemoveReference<T>::Type& argument) noexcept

Used to cast a templated function parameter to the value category the caller used to pass it, which allows rvalues to be passed as rvalues and lvalues as lvalues.

Template parameters
T Argument type.
argument Argument to forward.
Returns Forwarded argument.