template<typename T>
cubos::engine::JSONBridge class

Bridge for loading and saving assets which are serialized to and from a JSON file.

Template parameters
T Type of asset to load and save. Must be default constructible.

This bridge automatically serializes and deserializes assets of type T to and from a JSON file. Thus, T must be serializable and deserializable. No additional context is given to the serializer or deserializer.

Base classes

class FileBridge
Abstract bridge type defined to reduce boilerplate code in bridge implementations which open a single file to load and save assets.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Constructs a bridge.

Protected functions

auto loadFromFile(Assets& assets, const AnyAsset& handle, core::memory::Stream& stream) -> bool override
Loads an asset from a file stream.
auto saveToFile(const Assets& assets, const AnyAsset& handle, core::memory::Stream& stream) -> bool override
Saves an asset to a file stream.

Function documentation

template<typename T>
bool cubos::engine::JSONBridge<T>::loadFromFile(Assets& assets, const AnyAsset& handle, core::memory::Stream& stream) override protected

Loads an asset from a file stream.

assets Manager to write into.
handle Handle of the asset being loaded.
stream File stream.
Returns Whether the asset was successfully loaded.

template<typename T>
bool cubos::engine::JSONBridge<T>::saveToFile(const Assets& assets, const AnyAsset& handle, core::memory::Stream& stream) override protected

Saves an asset to a file stream.

assets Manager to read from.
handle Handle of the asset being saved.
stream File stream.
Returns Whether the asset was successfully saved.