cubos::core::memory::BufferStream class

Stream implementation which writes to/reads from a buffer.

Base classes

class Stream
Interface class for memory streams. Abstracts away sources or destinations of data.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

BufferStream(void* buffer, std::size_t size, bool readOnly = false)
Constructs using an existing buffer.
BufferStream(const void* buffer, std::size_t size)
Constructs using a read-only buffer.
BufferStream(std::size_t size = 16)
Constructs using a new buffer, managed internally and which grows as needed.
BufferStream(const BufferStream& other)
Constructs a copy of another buffer stream. If the given buffer stream owns its buffer, the copy will also create its own buffer. Otherwise, it will share the buffer with the original.
BufferStream(BufferStream&& other) noexcept
Move constructs.

Public functions

auto getBuffer() const -> const void*
Gets the buffer of this stream.
auto string() const -> std::string
Creates a string from the buffer of this stream.
auto read(void* data, std::size_t size) -> std::size_t override
Reads data from the stream.
auto write(const void* data, std::size_t size) -> std::size_t override
Writes data to the stream.
auto tell() const -> std::size_t override
Gets the current position in the stream.
void seek(ptrdiff_t offset, SeekOrigin origin) override
Seeks to a position in the stream.
auto eof() const -> bool override
Checks if the stream still has content to read.
auto peek() -> char override
Peeks one byte from the stream.

Function documentation

cubos::core::memory::BufferStream::BufferStream(void* buffer, std::size_t size, bool readOnly = false)

Constructs using an existing buffer.

buffer Buffer to read/write from.
size Size of the buffer.
readOnly Whether the buffer is read-only.

cubos::core::memory::BufferStream::BufferStream(const void* buffer, std::size_t size)

Constructs using a read-only buffer.

buffer Buffer to read/write from.
size Size of the buffer.

cubos::core::memory::BufferStream::BufferStream(std::size_t size = 16)

Constructs using a new buffer, managed internally and which grows as needed.

size Initial size of the buffer.

cubos::core::memory::BufferStream::BufferStream(const BufferStream& other)

Constructs a copy of another buffer stream. If the given buffer stream owns its buffer, the copy will also create its own buffer. Otherwise, it will share the buffer with the original.

other Buffer stream to copy.

cubos::core::memory::BufferStream::BufferStream(BufferStream&& other) noexcept

Move constructs.

other Buffer stream to move.

const void* cubos::core::memory::BufferStream::getBuffer() const

Gets the buffer of this stream.

Returns Buffer.

std::string cubos::core::memory::BufferStream::string() const

Creates a string from the buffer of this stream.

Returns String.

std::size_t cubos::core::memory::BufferStream::read(void* data, std::size_t size) override

Reads data from the stream.

data Buffer to read data into.
size Size of the buffer.
Returns Number of bytes read.

std::size_t cubos::core::memory::BufferStream::write(const void* data, std::size_t size) override

Writes data to the stream.

data Buffer to write data from.
size Size of the buffer.
Returns Number of bytes written.

std::size_t cubos::core::memory::BufferStream::tell() const override

Gets the current position in the stream.

Returns Current position in the stream, or SIZE_MAX if the position is unknown.

void cubos::core::memory::BufferStream::seek(ptrdiff_t offset, SeekOrigin origin) override

Seeks to a position in the stream.

offset Offset to seek to.
origin Origin of the offset.

bool cubos::core::memory::BufferStream::eof() const override

Checks if the stream still has content to read.

Returns Whether the stream has reached the end.

char cubos::core::memory::BufferStream::peek() override

Peeks one byte from the stream.

Returns Peeked byte.