#include <core/al/audio_context.hpp>
AudioDevice Audio device interface used to wrap low-level audio rendering APIs.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- AudioDevice(const AudioDevice&) deleted
- Forbid copy construction.
Public functions
auto createSource() -> std::shared_ptr<impl::
Source> pure virtual - Creates a new audio source.
auto listener(size_t index) -> std::shared_ptr<impl::
Listener> pure virtual - Gets the listener with the specific index.
Function documentation
std::shared_ptr<impl:: Source> cubos:: core:: al:: impl:: AudioDevice:: createSource() pure virtual
Creates a new audio source.
Returns | Handle of the new source. |
std::shared_ptr<impl:: Listener> cubos:: core:: al:: impl:: AudioDevice:: listener(size_t index) pure virtual
Gets the listener with the specific index.
Parameters | |
index | Index of the listener. |
Returns | Handle of the listener. |