cubos::core::gl::impl namespace

Namespace to store the abstract types implemented by the render device implementations.


class Framebuffer
Abstract framebuffer.
class RasterState
Abstract rasterizer state.
class DepthStencilState
Abstract depth stencil state.
class BlendState
Abstract blend state.
class PixelPackBuffer
Abstract pixel pack buffer.
class Sampler
Abstract sampler.
class Texture2D
Abstract 2D texture.
class Texture2DArray
Abstract 2D texture array.
class Texture3D
Abstract 3D texture.
class CubeMap
Abstract cube map.
class ConstantBuffer
Abstract constant buffer.
class IndexBuffer
Abstract index buffer.
class VertexBuffer
Abstract vertex buffer.
class VertexArray
Abstract vertex array.
class ShaderStage
Abstract shader stage.
class ShaderPipeline
Abstract shader pipeline.
class ShaderBindingPoint
Abstract shader binding point.
class Timer
Abstract timer.
class PipelinedTimer
Pipelined timer.