cubos::engine::RenderPicker struct

Component which provides a texture to store entity/gizmo ids, for selection with a mouse.

Public functions

auto read(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) const -> uint32_t
Reads the identifier at the given pixel coordinates.

Public variables

glm::uvec2 size
Size of the RenderPicker textures, in pixels.
bool cleared
Whether the RenderPicker front texture has already been cleared this frame.
core::gl::Texture2D backTexture
Picking back texture, stores entity/gizmo ids for each pixel on the screen. Access to the picker results is made through this texture, to ensure the CPU doesn't wait for the current frame to finish.
core::gl::Texture2D frontTexture
Picking front texture, stores entity/gizmo ids for each pixel on the screen. This is the texture used by the renderer to write ids. It is automatically swapped with the back texture by the renderPickerPlugin.
core::gl::PixelPackBuffer pixelBuffer
Pixel pack buffer used to access the data in the backTexture.

Function documentation

uint32_t cubos::engine::RenderPicker::read(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) const

Reads the identifier at the given pixel coordinates.

x X coordinate.
y Y coordinate.
Returns Identifier.