cubos::engine::DirectionalShadowCaster struct

Component which enables shadow casting on a directional light.

Public functions

void updateShadowMaps(cubos::core::gl::RenderDevice& rd)
Update shadow maps to the target size and target number of cascades.
void setDefaultSplitDistances(int numCascades)
Set splits to have the same distance between each other.
auto getCurrentSplitDistances() const -> const std::vector<float>&
Get the real current distances of each split.
auto getCurrentSize() const -> glm::uvec2
Get the real current size of shadow maps.

Public variables

std::vector<float> splitDistances
Target distance of each split from 0 to 1 (interpolated between nearDistance and maxDistance).
float maxDistance
Max distance (if 0, uses camera zFar).
float nearDistance
Near distance of shadow frustum (if 0, uses camera zNear).
std::unordered_map<core::ecs::Entity, std::shared_ptr<ShadowMap>, core::ecs::EntityHash> shadowMaps
Caster's shadow maps for each camera.
glm::uvec2 size
Target size of the shadow map textures, in pixels. Use this to change the resolution of the shadow maps. Note that the real resolution may not match this, as it may be dynamically adjusted.

Function documentation

void cubos::engine::DirectionalShadowCaster::updateShadowMaps(cubos::core::gl::RenderDevice& rd)

Update shadow maps to the target size and target number of cascades.

rd Render device used to create the textures.

void cubos::engine::DirectionalShadowCaster::setDefaultSplitDistances(int numCascades)

Set splits to have the same distance between each other.

numCascades Number of shadow map cascades.

const std::vector<float>& cubos::engine::DirectionalShadowCaster::getCurrentSplitDistances() const

Get the real current distances of each split.

Returns Current distances of each split.

glm::uvec2 cubos::engine::DirectionalShadowCaster::getCurrentSize() const

Get the real current size of shadow maps.

Returns Size of the shadow map textures, in pixels.