cubos::engine::GBufferRasterizer struct

Component which stores the GBuffer rasterizer state.

Public variables

core::gl::Framebuffer frontFramebuffer
Framebuffer used by the rasterizer to render to the GBuffer.
core::gl::Framebuffer backFramebuffer
Back framebuffer (swapped with front framebuffer every frame).
core::gl::Texture2D position
GBuffer's position texture in the current framebuffers.
core::gl::Texture2D normal
GBuffer's normal texture in the current framebuffers.
core::gl::Texture2D albedo
GBuffer's albedo texture in the current framebuffers.
core::gl::Texture2D depth
RenderDepth texture in the current framebuffers.
core::gl::Texture2D frontPicker
RenderPicker texture in the current front framebuffer.
core::gl::Texture2D backPicker
RenderPicker texture in the current back framebuffer.

Variable documentation

core::gl::Framebuffer cubos::engine::GBufferRasterizer::backFramebuffer

Back framebuffer (swapped with front framebuffer every frame).

This is necessary due to the double-buffering technique used by the RenderPicker.