cubos::core::al::impl::Source class

Abstract audio source.

Public functions

void setBuffer(std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer) pure virtual
Sets the buffer to be played by the source.
void setPosition(const glm::vec3& position) pure virtual
Sets the position of the source, by default, in the world space.
void setVelocity(const glm::vec3& velocity) pure virtual
Sets the velocity of the source, by default, in the world space.
void setGain(float gain) pure virtual
Sets the gain of the source.
void setPitch(float pitch) pure virtual
Sets the pitch of the source.
void setLooping(bool looping) pure virtual
Sets whether the source plays in a loop.
void setRelative(bool relative) pure virtual
Sets whether the source position and velocity is relative to the listener or not.
void setDistance(float maxDistance) pure virtual
Sets the maximum distance at which the source is audible.
void setConeAngle(float coneAngle) pure virtual
Sets the cone angle of the source, in degrees. By default, 360.
void setConeGain(float coneGain) pure virtual
Sets the cone gain of the source.
void setConeDirection(const glm::vec3& direction) pure virtual
Sets the cone direction of the source.
void setReferenceDistance(float referenceDistance) pure virtual
Sets the distance under which the volume for the source would normally drop by half.
void play() pure virtual
Plays the source.

Function documentation

void cubos::core::al::impl::Source::setBuffer(std::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer) pure virtual

Sets the buffer to be played by the source.

buffer Buffer.

void cubos::core::al::impl::Source::setPosition(const glm::vec3& position) pure virtual

Sets the position of the source, by default, in the world space.

position Position.

void cubos::core::al::impl::Source::setVelocity(const glm::vec3& velocity) pure virtual

Sets the velocity of the source, by default, in the world space.

velocity Velocity.

void cubos::core::al::impl::Source::setGain(float gain) pure virtual

Sets the gain of the source.

gain Gain.

void cubos::core::al::impl::Source::setPitch(float pitch) pure virtual

Sets the pitch of the source.

pitch Pitch.

void cubos::core::al::impl::Source::setLooping(bool looping) pure virtual

Sets whether the source plays in a loop.

looping Looping flag.

void cubos::core::al::impl::Source::setRelative(bool relative) pure virtual

Sets whether the source position and velocity is relative to the listener or not.

relative Relative flag.

void cubos::core::al::impl::Source::setDistance(float maxDistance) pure virtual

Sets the maximum distance at which the source is audible.

maxDistance Maximum distance.

void cubos::core::al::impl::Source::setConeAngle(float coneAngle) pure virtual

Sets the cone angle of the source, in degrees. By default, 360.

coneAngle Angle, in degrees.

void cubos::core::al::impl::Source::setConeGain(float coneGain) pure virtual

Sets the cone gain of the source.

coneGain Gain.

void cubos::core::al::impl::Source::setConeDirection(const glm::vec3& direction) pure virtual

Sets the cone direction of the source.

direction Direction.

void cubos::core::al::impl::Source::setReferenceDistance(float referenceDistance) pure virtual

Sets the distance under which the volume for the source would normally drop by half.

referenceDistance Distance.