cubos::engine::LocalToWorld struct

Component which stores the transformation matrix of an entity, from local to world space.

Public functions

auto inverse() const -> glm::mat4
Gets Local to world space matrix reversed.
auto worldPosition() const -> glm::vec3
Gets global position of the entity.
auto worldRotation() const -> glm::quat
Gets global rotation of the entity.
auto forward() const -> glm::vec3
Gets global forward vector of the entity.
auto up() const -> glm::vec3
Gets global up vector of the entity.
auto worldScale() const -> float
Gets global scale of the entity.

Public variables

glm::mat4 mat
Local to world space matrix.

Function documentation

glm::mat4 cubos::engine::LocalToWorld::inverse() const

Gets Local to world space matrix reversed.

Returns World to local space matrix inversed.

glm::vec3 cubos::engine::LocalToWorld::worldPosition() const

Gets global position of the entity.

Returns Position vector in world space.

glm::quat cubos::engine::LocalToWorld::worldRotation() const

Gets global rotation of the entity.

Returns Rotation quaternion in world space.

glm::vec3 cubos::engine::LocalToWorld::forward() const

Gets global forward vector of the entity.

Returns Forward vector in world space.

glm::vec3 cubos::engine::LocalToWorld::up() const

Gets global up vector of the entity.

Returns Up vector in world space.

float cubos::engine::LocalToWorld::worldScale() const

Gets global scale of the entity.

Returns Scale value in world space.