cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait class final

Exposes array-like functionality of a type.

Public types

using Length = std::size_t(*)(const void*instance)
Function pointer to get the length of an array instance.
using AddressOf = uintptr_t(*)(const void*instance, std::size_t index)
Function pointer to get the address of an element in an array instance.
using InsertDefault = void(*)(void*instance, std::size_t index)
Function pointer to insert a default value into the array.
using InsertCopy = void(*)(void*instance, std::size_t index, const void*value)
Function pointer to insert a copy of the given value into the array.
using InsertMove = void(*)(void*instance, std::size_t index, void*value)
Function pointer to move the given value into the array.
using Erase = void(*)(void*instance, std::size_t index)
Function pointer to remove an element of the array.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

ArrayTrait(const Type& elementType, Length length, AddressOf addressOf)
View(const ArrayTrait& trait, void* instance)
ConstView(const ArrayTrait& trait, const void* instance)
Iterator(const View& view, std::size_t index)
Iterator(const Iterator& iterator) defaulted
Copy constructs.
Iterator(const ConstView& view, std::size_t index)
Iterator(const Iterator& iterator) defaulted
Copy constructs.

Public functions

void setInsertDefault(InsertDefault insertDefault)
Sets the default-construct insert operation to the trait.
void setInsertCopy(InsertCopy insertCopy)
Sets the copy-construct insert operation to the trait.
void setInsertMove(InsertMove insertMove)
Sets the move-construct insert operation to the trait.
void setErase(Erase erase)
Sets the erase operation to the trait.
auto hasInsertDefault() const -> bool
Checks if default-construct insert is supported.
auto hasInsertCopy() const -> bool
Checks if copy-construct insert is supported.
auto hasInsertMove() const -> bool
Checks if move-construct insert is supported.
auto hasErase() const -> bool
Checks if erase is supported.
auto hasResize() const -> bool
Checks if resize is supported.
auto elementType() const -> const Type&
Returns the element type of the array.
auto view(void* instance) const -> View
Returns a view of the given array instance.
auto view(const void* instance) const -> ConstView
Returns a view of the given array instance.
auto length() const -> std::size_t
Returns the length of the array.
auto get(std::size_t index) const -> void*
Gets a pointer to the element with the given index.
void insertDefault(std::size_t index) const
Inserts a default-constructed element.
void insertCopy(std::size_t index, const void* value) const
Inserts a copy-constructed element.
void insertMove(std::size_t index, void* value) const
Inserts a move-constructed element.
void erase(std::size_t index) const
Removes an element.
void clear() const
Clears the array.
void resize(std::size_t size) const
Resizes the array. If this increases the size of the array, insertDefault is used to insert the remaining elements.
auto begin() const -> Iterator
Gets an iterator to the first element.
auto end() const -> Iterator
Gets an iterator to the element after the last element.
auto length() const -> std::size_t
Returns the length of the array.
auto get(std::size_t index) const -> const void*
Gets a pointer to the element with the given index.
auto begin() const -> Iterator
Gets an iterator to the first element.
auto end() const -> Iterator
Gets an iterator to the element after the last element.
auto operator*() const -> void*
Accesses the element referenced by this iterator.
auto operator->() const -> void*
Accesses the element referenced by this iterator.
auto operator++() -> Iterator&
Advances the iterator.
auto operator*() const -> const void*
Accesses the element referenced by this iterator.
auto operator->() const -> const void*
Accesses the element referenced by this iterator.
auto operator++() -> Iterator&
Advances the iterator.

Function documentation

cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::ArrayTrait(const Type& elementType, Length length, AddressOf addressOf)


length Function used to get the length of an array.
addressOf Function used to address an element in an array.

cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::View(const ArrayTrait& trait, void* instance)


trait Trait.
instance Instance.

cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::ConstView(const ArrayTrait& trait, const void* instance)


trait Trait.
instance Instance.

cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::Iterator(const View& view, std::size_t index)


view Array view.
index Element index.

cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::Iterator(const Iterator& iterator) defaulted

Copy constructs.

iterator Iterator.

cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::Iterator(const ConstView& view, std::size_t index)


view Array view.
index Element index.

cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::Iterator(const Iterator& iterator) defaulted

Copy constructs.

iterator Iterator.

void cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::setInsertDefault(InsertDefault insertDefault)

Sets the default-construct insert operation to the trait.

insertDefault Function pointer.

void cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::setInsertCopy(InsertCopy insertCopy)

Sets the copy-construct insert operation to the trait.

insertCopy Function pointer.

void cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::setInsertMove(InsertMove insertMove)

Sets the move-construct insert operation to the trait.

insertMove Function pointer.

void cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::setErase(Erase erase)

Sets the erase operation to the trait.

erase Function pointer.

bool cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::hasInsertDefault() const

Checks if default-construct insert is supported.

Returns Whether the operation is supported.

bool cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::hasInsertCopy() const

Checks if copy-construct insert is supported.

Returns Whether the operation is supported.

bool cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::hasInsertMove() const

Checks if move-construct insert is supported.

Returns Whether the operation is supported.

bool cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::hasErase() const

Checks if erase is supported.

Returns Whether the operation is supported.

bool cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::hasResize() const

Checks if resize is supported.

Returns Whether the operation is supported.

const Type& cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::elementType() const

Returns the element type of the array.

Returns Element type.

View cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::view(void* instance) const

Returns a view of the given array instance.

instance Array instance.
Returns Array view.

ConstView cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::view(const void* instance) const

Returns a view of the given array instance.

instance Array instance.
Returns Array view.

std::size_t cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::length() const

Returns the length of the array.

Returns Array length.

void* cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::get(std::size_t index) const

Gets a pointer to the element with the given index.

index Element index.
Returns Pointer to the element.

void cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::insertDefault(std::size_t index) const

Inserts a default-constructed element.

index Element index.

void cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::insertCopy(std::size_t index, const void* value) const

Inserts a copy-constructed element.

index Element index.
value Value.

void cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::insertMove(std::size_t index, void* value) const

Inserts a move-constructed element.

index Element index.
value Value.

void cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::erase(std::size_t index) const

Removes an element.

index Element index.

void cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::clear() const

Clears the array.

void cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::resize(std::size_t size) const

Resizes the array. If this increases the size of the array, insertDefault is used to insert the remaining elements.

size Array size.

Iterator cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::begin() const

Gets an iterator to the first element.

Returns Iterator.

Iterator cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::end() const

Gets an iterator to the element after the last element.

Returns Iterator.

std::size_t cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::length() const

Returns the length of the array.

Returns Array length.

const void* cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::get(std::size_t index) const

Gets a pointer to the element with the given index.

index Element index.
Returns Pointer to the element.

Iterator cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::begin() const

Gets an iterator to the first element.

Returns Iterator.

Iterator cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::end() const

Gets an iterator to the element after the last element.

Returns Iterator.

void* cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::operator*() const

Accesses the element referenced by this iterator.

Returns Element.

void* cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::operator->() const

Accesses the element referenced by this iterator.

Returns Element.

Iterator& cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::operator++()

Advances the iterator.

Returns Reference to this.

const void* cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::operator*() const

Accesses the element referenced by this iterator.

Returns Element.

const void* cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::operator->() const

Accesses the element referenced by this iterator.

Returns Element.

Iterator& cubos::core::reflection::ArrayTrait::operator++()

Advances the iterator.

Returns Reference to this.