cubos::core::ecs::Tables class final

Stores the tables of a given world.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Tables() defaulted

Public functions

void reset()
Resets the registry to its initial state.
auto dense() -> DenseTableRegistry&
Gets a reference to the dense table registry.
auto dense() const -> const DenseTableRegistry&
Gets a reference to the dense table registry.
auto sparseRelation() -> SparseRelationTableRegistry&
Gets a reference to the sparse relation table registry.
auto sparseRelation() const -> const SparseRelationTableRegistry&
Gets a reference to the sparse relation table registry.

Function documentation

void cubos::core::ecs::Tables::reset()

Resets the registry to its initial state.

Previously returned identifiers become invalid, as they might be reused.

DenseTableRegistry& cubos::core::ecs::Tables::dense()

Gets a reference to the dense table registry.

Returns Reference to dense table registry.

const DenseTableRegistry& cubos::core::ecs::Tables::dense() const

Gets a reference to the dense table registry.

Returns Reference to dense table registry.

SparseRelationTableRegistry& cubos::core::ecs::Tables::sparseRelation()

Gets a reference to the sparse relation table registry.

Returns Reference to sparse relation table registry.

const SparseRelationTableRegistry& cubos::core::ecs::Tables::sparseRelation() const

Gets a reference to the sparse relation table registry.

Returns Reference to sparse relation table registry.