cubos::engine::Input class final

Resource which stores the input bindings for multiple players.

Its state is updated accordingly as events are received by the Input.

Public types

using Key = core::io::Key
Alias for core::io::Key.
using GamepadButton = core::io::GamepadButton
Alias for core::io::GamepadButton.
using GamepadAxis = core::io::GamepadAxis
Alias for core::io::GamepadAxis.
using MouseButton = core::io::MouseButton
Alias for core::io::MouseButton.
using MouseState = core::io::MouseState
Alias for core::io::MouseState.

Public static functions

static void handle(const core::io::Window& window, const core::io::WindowEvent& event)
Handle all other events - discards them.

Public functions

void clear()
Clears all bindings.
void clear(int player)
Clears all bindings for a specific player.
void bind(const InputBindings& bindings, int player = 0)
Sets the bindings for a specific player.
void gamepad(int player, int gamepad)
Sets the gamepad for a specific player.
auto gamepad(int player) const -> int
Gets the gamepad for a specific player.
auto gamepadCount() const -> int
Gets the number of currently connected gamepads.
auto pressed(const char* actionName, int player = 0) const -> bool
Gets an action state for a specific player.
auto justPressed(const char* actionName, int player = 0) const -> bool
Gets an action state for a specific player.
auto justReleased(const char* actionName, int player = 0) const -> bool
Gets an action state for a specific player.
auto axis(const char* axisName, int player = 0) const -> float
Gets an axis value for a specific player.
void handle(const core::io::Window& window, const core::io::KeyEvent& event)
Handle a key event.
void handle(const core::io::Window& window, const core::io::GamepadConnectionEvent& event)
Handle a gamepad connection event.
void handle(const core::io::Window& window, const core::io::MouseButtonEvent& event)
Handle a mouse button event.
void handle(const core::io::Window& window, const core::io::MouseMoveEvent& event)
Handle a mouse movement event.
void updateMouse()
Resets the previous mouse position to equal the current.
void updateActions()
Reset the previous Action justPressed and justReleased states.
auto mousePosition() const -> glm::ivec2
Gets the mouse position in screen space.
auto previousMousePosition() const -> glm::ivec2
Gets the mouse position in the previous frame in screen space.
auto mouseDelta() const -> glm::ivec2
Gets displacement of the mouse during the last frame, in screen space.
void mouseState(MouseState state)
Sets the mouse state when the window is focused.
auto mouseState() const -> MouseState
Gets the mouse state when the window is focused.
void updateMouseState(core::io::Window& window)
Sets the mouse state to be updated.
auto updateMouseState() const -> bool
Gets the update mouse state.
void pollGamepads(const core::io::Window& window)
Polls the input state of the gamepads.
auto bindings() const -> const std::unordered_map<int, InputBindings>&
Gets the bindings for each player.

Function documentation

static void cubos::engine::Input::handle(const core::io::Window& window, const core::io::WindowEvent& event)

Handle all other events - discards them.

window Window that received the event.
event Event to discard.

This is method exists so that std::visit can be used with core::io::WindowEvent on handle().

void cubos::engine::Input::clear(int player)

Clears all bindings for a specific player.

player Player whose bindings will be cleared.

void cubos::engine::Input::bind(const InputBindings& bindings, int player = 0)

Sets the bindings for a specific player.

bindings Bindings to set.
player Player whose bindings will be set.

void cubos::engine::Input::gamepad(int player, int gamepad)

Sets the gamepad for a specific player.

player Player whose gamepad will be set.
gamepad Gamepad to set.

int cubos::engine::Input::gamepad(int player) const

Gets the gamepad for a specific player.

player Player whose gamepad will be retrieved.
Returns Gamepad if it exists, -1 otherwise.

int cubos::engine::Input::gamepadCount() const

Gets the number of currently connected gamepads.

Returns Number of connected gamepads.

bool cubos::engine::Input::pressed(const char* actionName, int player = 0) const

Gets an action state for a specific player.

actionName Name of the action.
player Player whose action state will be retrieved.
Returns Whether the action exists and is pressed.

bool cubos::engine::Input::justPressed(const char* actionName, int player = 0) const

Gets an action state for a specific player.

actionName Name of the action.
player Player whose action state will be retrieved.
Returns Whether the action exists and was just pressed.

bool cubos::engine::Input::justReleased(const char* actionName, int player = 0) const

Gets an action state for a specific player.

actionName Name of the action.
player Player whose action state will be retrieved.
Returns Whether the action exists and was just released.

float cubos::engine::Input::axis(const char* axisName, int player = 0) const

Gets an axis value for a specific player.

axisName Name of the axis.
player Player whose axis value will be retrieved.
Returns Axis value if the axis exists, 0.0 otherwise.

void cubos::engine::Input::handle(const core::io::Window& window, const core::io::KeyEvent& event)

Handle a key event.

window Window that received the event.
event Key event.

void cubos::engine::Input::handle(const core::io::Window& window, const core::io::GamepadConnectionEvent& event)

Handle a gamepad connection event.

window Window that received the event.
event Gamepad connection event.

void cubos::engine::Input::handle(const core::io::Window& window, const core::io::MouseButtonEvent& event)

Handle a mouse button event.

window Window that received the event.
event Mouse button event.

void cubos::engine::Input::handle(const core::io::Window& window, const core::io::MouseMoveEvent& event)

Handle a mouse movement event.

window Window that received the event.
event Mouse movement event.

glm::ivec2 cubos::engine::Input::mousePosition() const

Gets the mouse position in screen space.

Returns Mouse position.

glm::ivec2 cubos::engine::Input::previousMousePosition() const

Gets the mouse position in the previous frame in screen space.

Returns Mouse position in the previous frame.

glm::ivec2 cubos::engine::Input::mouseDelta() const

Gets displacement of the mouse during the last frame, in screen space.

Returns Mouse displacement.

void cubos::engine::Input::mouseState(MouseState state)

Sets the mouse state when the window is focused.

state Mouse state.

MouseState cubos::engine::Input::mouseState() const

Gets the mouse state when the window is focused.

Returns Mouse state when the window is focused.

void cubos::engine::Input::updateMouseState(core::io::Window& window)

Sets the mouse state to be updated.

window Window.

bool cubos::engine::Input::updateMouseState() const

Gets the update mouse state.

Returns Whether the mouse state should be updated.

void cubos::engine::Input::pollGamepads(const core::io::Window& window)

Polls the input state of the gamepads.

window Window to poll the gamepad state from.

const std::unordered_map<int, InputBindings>& cubos::engine::Input::bindings() const

Gets the bindings for each player.

Returns Bindings for each player.