cubos::engine::Bloom struct

Component which stores the Bloom state for a render target.

Public variables

int iterations
Number of blur passes to apply.
float threshold
Threshold for the Bloom effect.
float softThreshold
Soft threshold for the Bloom effect.
float intensity
Intensity of the Bloom effect.
glm::vec3 luminance
Luminance values used to calculate the Bloom effect.
core::gl::Framebuffer frontFramebuffer
Framebuffer used to draw to the HDR texture.
core::gl::Framebuffer backFramebuffer
Framebuffer used to draw to the back HDR texture.
core::gl::Texture2D frontHDR
HDR texture present in the frontFramebuffer.
core::gl::Texture2D backHDR
HDR texture present in the backFramebuffer.
glm::uvec2 size
Size of the textures.
core::gl::Texture2D extractionTexture
Texture where the Bloom extraction result is stored.
core::gl::Framebuffer extractionFramebuffer
Framebuffer used to draw to the Bloom extraction texture.
std::vector<core::gl::Texture2D> bloomTextures
Textures where the Bloom result is stored.
std::vector<core::gl::Framebuffer> bloomFramebuffers
Framebuffers used to draw to the Bloom textures.

Variable documentation

core::gl::Framebuffer cubos::engine::Bloom::backFramebuffer

Framebuffer used to draw to the back HDR texture.

Swapped with frontFramebuffer as needed so that the textures match with the HDR component.