cubos::core::reflection namespace

Reflection module.


template<typename T>
struct Reflect
Defines the reflection function for the given type T.
class ArrayTrait
Exposes array-like functionality of a type.
class ConstructibleTrait
Describes how a reflected type may be constructed and destructed.
class DictionaryTrait
Exposes dictionary-like functionality of a type.
class EnumTrait
Provides enumeration functionality to an enumerated type.
class FieldsTrait
Describes the fields of a reflected type.
class InheritsTrait
Provides inheritance relationship between types.
class MaskTrait
Provides mask functionality to an enum mask type.
class NullableTrait
Used to manipulate values of null-representable types.
class StringConversionTrait
Stores functions for converting a type to and from a string.
class Type
Describes a reflected type.
class TypeClient
Manages the client-side of a reflection channel on top of a stream.
class TypeRegistry
Stores a set of types which can be accessed by name.
class TypeServer
Used to setup a TypeChannel on top of a stream, from the server side.


auto compare(const Type& type, const void* a, const void* b) -> CUBOS_CORE_API bool
Compares two instances of the same type.
auto makeAnonymousType(const char* name, const char* file, std::size_t size, std::size_t alignment, void(*)(void*) destructor) -> CUBOS_CORE_API const Type&
Creates a new reflection type with a unique name created from a type name and a file path, and with a minimal ConstructibleTrait.
template<typename T>
auto reflect() -> const Type&
Reflects the given type T.
template<typename T>
auto autoConstructibleTrait() -> ConstructibleTrait
Returns a ConstructibleTrait with the default, copy and move constructors, set only if the type has them.

Function documentation

CUBOS_CORE_API bool cubos::core::reflection::compare(const Type& type, const void* a, const void* b)

Compares two instances of the same type.

type The type of the data being compared
a One of the instances.
b The other instance.
Returns True if the values are equal, false otherwise.