cubos::core::ecs::Blueprint class final

Collection of entities and their respective components and relations.

Blueprints are in a way the 'Prefab' of Cubos They act as a tiny World which can then be spawned into an actual World, as many times as needed.

When a blueprint is spawned, all of its components and relations are scanned using the Reflection system for any references to other entities in the blueprint. These references are then replaced with the actual spawned entities. This has the side effect that if you do not expose an Entity field to the Reflection system, it will not be replaced and thus continue referencing the original entity in the blueprint.

Public types

using Create = Entity(*)(void*userData, std::string name)
Function used by instantiate to create entities.
using Add = void(*)(void*userData, Entity entity, memory::AnyValue component)
Function used by instantiate to add components to entities.
using Relate = void(*)(void*userData, Entity fromEntity, Entity toEntity, memory::AnyValue relation)
Function used by instantiate to add relations to entities.

Public static functions

static auto validEntityName(const std::string& name) -> bool
Checks if the given name is a valid entity name.

Public functions

auto create(std::string name) -> Entity
Creates a new entity in the blueprint and returns it.
void add(Entity entity, memory::AnyValue component)
Adds a component to an entity. Overwrites the existing component, if there's any.
template<typename... Ts>
void add(Entity entity, Ts... components)
Adds components to an entity. Overwrites the existing components, if there's any.
void relate(Entity fromEntity, Entity toEntity, memory::AnyValue relation)
Adds a relation between two entities. Overwrites the existing relation, if there's any.
template<typename T>
void relate(Entity fromEntity, Entity toEntity, T relation)
Adds a relation between two entities. Overwrites the existing relation, if there's any.
void merge(const std::string& prefix, const Blueprint& other)
Merges another blueprint into this one.
void clear()
Clears the blueprint.
auto bimap() const -> const memory::UnorderedBimap<Entity, std::string, EntityHash>&
Returns a bimap which maps entities to their names.
void instantiate(void* userData, Create create, Add add, Relate relate, bool withName) const
Instantiates the blueprint by calling the given functions.
template<typename C, typename A, typename R>
void instantiate(C create, A add, R relate, bool withName) const
Instantiates the blueprint by calling the given functors.
auto entities() const -> memory::UnorderedBimap<Entity, std::string, EntityHash>
Gets the map relating entities to their name.
auto components() const -> memory::TypeMap<EntityMap<memory::AnyValue>>
Gets the map relating types of components to maps of entities to the component values.
auto relations() const -> memory::TypeMap<EntityMap<EntityMap<memory::AnyValue>>>
Gets the map relating types of relations to maps of entities to maps of entities to the component values.

Function documentation

static bool cubos::core::ecs::Blueprint::validEntityName(const std::string& name)

Checks if the given name is a valid entity name.

Returns Whether the name is valid.

Entity names must contain only lowercase alphanumerical characters and hyphens.

Entity cubos::core::ecs::Blueprint::create(std::string name)

Creates a new entity in the blueprint and returns it.

name Entity name.
Returns Entity.

An entity with the same name must not exist. The name must be valid.

void cubos::core::ecs::Blueprint::add(Entity entity, memory::AnyValue component)

Adds a component to an entity. Overwrites the existing component, if there's any.

entity Entity.
component Component to move.

template<typename... Ts>
void cubos::core::ecs::Blueprint::add(Entity entity, Ts... components)

Adds components to an entity. Overwrites the existing components, if there's any.

Template parameters
Ts Component types.
entity Entity.
components Components to move.

void cubos::core::ecs::Blueprint::relate(Entity fromEntity, Entity toEntity, memory::AnyValue relation)

Adds a relation between two entities. Overwrites the existing relation, if there's any.

fromEntity From entity.
toEntity To entity.
relation Relation to move.

template<typename T>
void cubos::core::ecs::Blueprint::relate(Entity fromEntity, Entity toEntity, T relation)

Adds a relation between two entities. Overwrites the existing relation, if there's any.

Template parameters
T Relation type.
fromEntity From entity.
toEntity To entity.
relation Relation to move.

void cubos::core::ecs::Blueprint::merge(const std::string& prefix, const Blueprint& other)

Merges another blueprint into this one.

prefix Name to prefix with the merged blueprint.
other Blueprint to merge.

Entities in the other blueprint will have their names prefixed with the specified string.

const memory::UnorderedBimap<Entity, std::string, EntityHash>& cubos::core::ecs::Blueprint::bimap() const

Returns a bimap which maps entities to their names.

Returns Bimap of entities to names.

void cubos::core::ecs::Blueprint::instantiate(void* userData, Create create, Add add, Relate relate, bool withName) const

Instantiates the blueprint by calling the given functions.

userData User data to pass into the functions.
create Function used to create entities.
add Function used to add components to entities.
relate Function used to add relations to entities.
withName Whether to add the 'Name' component to instantiated entities.

template<typename C, typename A, typename R>
void cubos::core::ecs::Blueprint::instantiate(C create, A add, R relate, bool withName) const

Instantiates the blueprint by calling the given functors.

Template parameters
C Create functor type.
A Add functor type.
R Relate functor type.
create Functor used to create entities.
add Functor used to add components to entities.
relate Functor used to add relations to entities.
withName Whether to use the entity names from the blueprint.

memory::UnorderedBimap<Entity, std::string, EntityHash> cubos::core::ecs::Blueprint::entities() const

Gets the map relating entities to their name.

Returns Bimap relating entities and names

memory::TypeMap<EntityMap<memory::AnyValue>> cubos::core::ecs::Blueprint::components() const

Gets the map relating types of components to maps of entities to the component values.

Returns TypeMap of an EntityMap to component values

memory::TypeMap<EntityMap<EntityMap<memory::AnyValue>>> cubos::core::ecs::Blueprint::relations() const

Gets the map relating types of relations to maps of entities to maps of entities to the component values.

Returns TypeMap of an EntityMap to another EntityMap to component values