cubos::core::memory::Stream class

Interface class for memory streams. Abstracts away sources or destinations of data.


Why do we have our own streams? Well, the standard library streams are hard to use and extend, and very template heavy. Using our own streams allows us to abstract away more easily where the data is coming from, or going to, allowing us, for example, to embed files into the executable and not have to worry about the code that reads them.

Derived classes

template<typename T>
class cubos::core::data::FileStream final
Wrapper around an implementation-specific file stream which keeps the file alive and does some sanity checks.
class BufferStream
Stream implementation which writes to/reads from a buffer.
class StandardStream
Stream implementation which wraps a libc file pointer.
class cubos::core::net::TcpStream
Stream implementation which writes to/reads from a TCP connection.

Public static variables

static Stream& stdIn
Stream wrapper for stdin.
static Stream& stdOut
Stream wrapper for stdout.
static Stream& stdErr
Stream wrapper for stderr.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Stream() defaulted
Stream(Stream&&) defaulted
Move constructs.
template<typename T>
requires(::std::is_integral_v<T> && ::std::is_signed_v<T>) void print(T value
Prints a signed integer to the stream.
template<typename T>
requires(::std::is_integral_v<T> && !::std::is_signed_v<T>) inline void print(T value
Prints a signed integer to the stream.

Public functions

auto read(void* data, std::size_t size) -> std::size_t pure virtual
Reads data from the stream.
auto write(const void* data, std::size_t size) -> std::size_t pure virtual
Writes data to the stream.
auto readExact(void* data, std::size_t size) -> bool
Reads data from the stream with the exact specified size.
auto writeExact(const void* data, std::size_t size) -> bool
Writes data to the stream with the exact specified size.
auto tell() const -> std::size_t pure virtual
Gets the current position in the stream.
void seek(ptrdiff_t offset, SeekOrigin origin) pure virtual
Seeks to a position in the stream.
auto eof() const -> bool pure virtual
Checks if the stream still has content to read.
auto peek() -> char pure virtual
Peeks one byte from the stream.
auto get() -> char
Gets one byte from the stream.
void put(char c)
Puts one byte into the stream.
void print(int64_t value, std::size_t base = 10)
Prints a 64 bit signed integer to the stream.
void print(uint64_t value, std::size_t base = 10)
Prints a 64 bit unsigned integer to the stream.
void print(float value, std::size_t decimalPlaces = 4)
Prints a float to the stream.
void print(double value, std::size_t decimalPlaces = 4)
Prints a double to the stream.
void print(const char* str)
Prints a string to the stream.
void print(const char* str, std::size_t size)
Prints a string to the stream.
void print(const ::std::string& str)
Prints a string to the stream.
template<typename T, typename... TArgs>
void printf(const char* fmt, T arg, TArgs... args)
Prints a formatted string the stream.
void printf(const char* fmt)
Prints a string to the stream.
void parse(int8_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)
Parses a 8 bit signed integer from the stream.
void parse(int16_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)
Parses a 16 bit signed integer from the stream.
void parse(int32_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)
Parses a 32 bit signed integer from the stream.
void parse(int64_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)
Parses a 64 bit signed integer from the stream.
void parse(uint8_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)
Parses a 8 bit unsigned integer from the stream.
void parse(uint16_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)
Parses a 16 bit unsigned integer from the stream.
void parse(uint32_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)
Parses a 32 bit unsigned integer from the stream.
void parse(uint64_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)
Parses a 64 bit unsigned integer from the stream.
void parse(float& value)
Parses a float from the stream.
void parse(double& value)
Parses a double from the stream.
void readUntil(std::string& str, const char* terminator)
Reads a string from the stream until the terminator (or \0) is found.
auto readUntil(char* buffer, std::size_t size, const char* terminator) -> std::size_t
Reads a string from the stream until the terminator (or \0) is found.
void ignore(std::size_t size)
Ignores a number of bytes from the stream.

Function documentation

template<typename T>
cubos::core::memory::Stream::requires(::std::is_integral_v<T> && ::std::is_signed_v<T>) void print(T value

Prints a signed integer to the stream.

Template parameters
T Type of the integer.

template<typename T>
cubos::core::memory::Stream::requires(::std::is_integral_v<T> && !::std::is_signed_v<T>) inline void print(T value

Prints a signed integer to the stream.

Template parameters
T Integer type.

std::size_t cubos::core::memory::Stream::read(void* data, std::size_t size) pure virtual

Reads data from the stream.

data Buffer to read data into.
size Size of the buffer.
Returns Number of bytes read.

std::size_t cubos::core::memory::Stream::write(const void* data, std::size_t size) pure virtual

Writes data to the stream.

data Buffer to write data from.
size Size of the buffer.
Returns Number of bytes written.

bool cubos::core::memory::Stream::readExact(void* data, std::size_t size)

Reads data from the stream with the exact specified size.

data Buffer to read data into.
size Size of the buffer.
Returns Whether reading was sucessful.

bool cubos::core::memory::Stream::writeExact(const void* data, std::size_t size)

Writes data to the stream with the exact specified size.

data Buffer to write data from.
size Size of the buffer.
Returns Whether writing was sucessful.

std::size_t cubos::core::memory::Stream::tell() const pure virtual

Gets the current position in the stream.

Returns Current position in the stream, or SIZE_MAX if the position is unknown.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::seek(ptrdiff_t offset, SeekOrigin origin) pure virtual

Seeks to a position in the stream.

offset Offset to seek to.
origin Origin of the offset.

bool cubos::core::memory::Stream::eof() const pure virtual

Checks if the stream still has content to read.

Returns Whether the stream has reached the end.

char cubos::core::memory::Stream::peek() pure virtual

Peeks one byte from the stream.

Returns Peeked byte.

char cubos::core::memory::Stream::get()

Gets one byte from the stream.

Returns Read byte.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::put(char c)

Puts one byte into the stream.

c Byte to put.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::print(int64_t value, std::size_t base = 10)

Prints a 64 bit signed integer to the stream.

value Value to print.
base Base to use.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::print(uint64_t value, std::size_t base = 10)

Prints a 64 bit unsigned integer to the stream.

value Value to print.
base Base to use.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::print(float value, std::size_t decimalPlaces = 4)

Prints a float to the stream.

value Value to print.
decimalPlaces Number of decimal places to print.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::print(double value, std::size_t decimalPlaces = 4)

Prints a double to the stream.

value Value to print.
decimalPlaces Number of decimal places to print.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::print(const char* str)

Prints a string to the stream.

str String to print.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::print(const char* str, std::size_t size)

Prints a string to the stream.

str String to print.
size Size of the string.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::print(const ::std::string& str)

Prints a string to the stream.

str Value to print.

template<typename T, typename... TArgs>
void cubos::core::memory::Stream::printf(const char* fmt, T arg, TArgs... args)

Prints a formatted string the stream.

Template parameters
T Type of the first argument.
TArgs Types of the remaining arguments.
fmt Format string.
arg First argument to print.
args Remaining arguments to print.
stream.printf("Hello, {}!\n", "world");
stream.printf("{} + {} = {}\n", 1, 2, 3);
stream.printf("\\{} {}\n", 1, 2); // This will print "{} 2"

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::printf(const char* fmt)

Prints a string to the stream.

fmt Format string.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::parse(int8_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)

Parses a 8 bit signed integer from the stream.

value out Parsed value.
base Base to use.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::parse(int16_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)

Parses a 16 bit signed integer from the stream.

value out Parsed value.
base Base to use.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::parse(int32_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)

Parses a 32 bit signed integer from the stream.

value out Parsed value.
base Base to use.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::parse(int64_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)

Parses a 64 bit signed integer from the stream.

value out Parsed value.
base Base to use.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::parse(uint8_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)

Parses a 8 bit unsigned integer from the stream.

value out Parsed value.
base Base to use.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::parse(uint16_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)

Parses a 16 bit unsigned integer from the stream.

value out Parsed value.
base Base to use.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::parse(uint32_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)

Parses a 32 bit unsigned integer from the stream.

value out Parsed value.
base Base to use.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::parse(uint64_t& value, std::size_t base = 10)

Parses a 64 bit unsigned integer from the stream.

value out Parsed value.
base Base to use.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::parse(float& value)

Parses a float from the stream.

value out Parsed value.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::parse(double& value)

Parses a double from the stream.

value out Parsed value.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::readUntil(std::string& str, const char* terminator)

Reads a string from the stream until the terminator (or \0) is found.

str out Read string.
terminator Optional terminator to use.

std::size_t cubos::core::memory::Stream::readUntil(char* buffer, std::size_t size, const char* terminator)

Reads a string from the stream until the terminator (or \0) is found.

buffer Buffer to read into.
size Size of the buffer.
terminator Optional terminator to use.
Returns Number of bytes read.

void cubos::core::memory::Stream::ignore(std::size_t size)

Ignores a number of bytes from the stream.

size Number of bytes to ignore.