class final
#include <engine/voxels/grid.hpp>
VoxelGrid Represents a voxel object using a 3D grid.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- VoxelGrid()
- Constructs an empty single-voxel grid.
- VoxelGrid(const glm::uvec3& size)
- Constructs an empty grid with the given size.
- VoxelGrid(const glm::uvec3& size, const std::vector<uint16_t>& indices)
- Constructs a grid with the given size and initial data.
- VoxelGrid(VoxelGrid&& other) noexcept
- Move constructs.
Public functions
- auto operator=(const VoxelGrid& rhs) -> VoxelGrid&
- Makes this grid a copy of another grid.
- void setSize(const glm::uvec3& size)
- Resizes the grid. New voxels are initialized to 0.
- auto size() const -> const glm::uvec3&
- Gets the size of the grid.
- void clear()
- Sets all voxels to 0.
- void set(const glm::ivec3& position, uint16_t mat)
- Sets the material index of a voxel.
- auto get(const glm::ivec3& position) const -> uint16_t
- Gets the material index of a voxel.
- auto convert(const VoxelPalette& src, const VoxelPalette& dst, float minSimilarity) -> bool
- Converts the material indices of this grid from one palette to another.
auto loadFrom(core::
memory:: Stream& stream) -> bool - Loads the grid's data from the given stream.
auto writeTo(core::
memory:: Stream& stream) const -> bool - Writes the grid's data to the given stream.
Function documentation
cubos:: engine:: VoxelGrid:: VoxelGrid(const glm::uvec3& size)
Constructs an empty grid with the given size.
Parameters | |
size | Size of the grid. |
cubos:: engine:: VoxelGrid:: VoxelGrid(const glm::uvec3& size,
const std::vector<uint16_t>& indices)
Constructs a grid with the given size and initial data.
Parameters | |
size | Size of the grid. |
indices | Material indices of the voxels. |
void cubos:: engine:: VoxelGrid:: setSize(const glm::uvec3& size)
Resizes the grid. New voxels are initialized to 0.
Parameters | |
size | New size of the grid. |
const glm::uvec3& cubos:: engine:: VoxelGrid:: size() const
Gets the size of the grid.
Returns | Size of the grid. |
void cubos:: engine:: VoxelGrid:: set(const glm::ivec3& position,
uint16_t mat)
Sets the material index of a voxel.
Parameters | |
position | Voxel coordinates. |
mat | Material index to set. |
uint16_t cubos:: engine:: VoxelGrid:: get(const glm::ivec3& position) const
Gets the material index of a voxel.
Parameters | |
position | Voxel coordinates. |
Returns | Material index of the voxel. |
bool cubos:: engine:: VoxelGrid:: convert(const VoxelPalette& src,
const VoxelPalette& dst,
float minSimilarity)
Converts the material indices of this grid from one palette to another.
Parameters | |
src | Original palette. |
dst | New palette. |
minSimilarity | Minimum similarity between two materials to consider them the same. |
Returns | Whether the conversion was successful. |
For each material, it will search for another material in the second palette which is similar enough to the original one. The conversion fails if no matching index is found.
bool cubos:: engine:: VoxelGrid:: loadFrom(core:: memory:: Stream& stream)
Loads the grid's data from the given stream.
Parameters | |
stream | Stream to read from. |
Returns | Whether the stream contained valid data. |
Assumes the data is stored in big-endian (network byte order). The first bytes correspond to three uint32_t, which represent the size of the grid (x, y, z). The next bytes correspond to size.x * size.y * size.z
uint16_t, which represent the actual voxel materials. The voxel data is indexed by x + y * size.x + z * size.x * size.y
bool cubos:: engine:: VoxelGrid:: writeTo(core:: memory:: Stream& stream) const
Writes the grid's data to the given stream.
Parameters | |
stream | Stream to write to. |
Returns | Whether the write was successful. |
Writes in the format specified in loadFrom.