SolverConstantsResource which allows configuration over constants in the solver plugin.
Public variables
- float minInvMass
- Minimum inverse mass for a body to be considered as imovable (as if it had infinite mass).
- glm::mat3 minInvInertia
- Minimum inverse inertia for a body to rotate.
- float maxBias
- The maximum "boost" for the initial solving of the constraint.
- float minContactHertz
- The minimum update frequency of the collision solving.
- float minKNormal
- The minimum value for KNormal (to avoid divisions by zero).
- float minKFriction
- The minimum value for KFriction (to avoid divisions by zero).
- float minTangentLenSq
- The minimum length of the tangent vector in the direction of the relative velocity (if it's below this we recalculate a basis for the tangents).
- float minRestitution
- The minimum restitution value to calculate restitution for a body (restitution is bounciness).
- float minNormalSpeed
- The minimum speed in the normal direction to calculate restitution for a body (lower is closer to elastic collisions).
- float minNormalImpulse
- The minimum impulse being applied in the normal direction to calculate restitution for a body (to avoid applying restitution when body position didn't change).
- float warmStartCoefficient
- Coefficient for how much of the impulse of the previous frame will be used for warm-starting.