cubos::engine::InputAction class final

Stores the state of a single input action, such as "jump" or "attack".

Can be bound to multiple key combinations, and will be considered "pressed" if any of them are pressed.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

InputAction() defaulted
Constructs without any bindings.
InputAction(std::vector<InputCombination> combinations)
Constructs with existing bindings.

Public functions

auto combinations() const -> const std::vector<InputCombination>&
Gets the bound combinations.
auto combinations() -> std::vector<InputCombination>&
Gets the bound combinations.
auto pressed() const -> bool
Checks if this action is pressed.
auto justPressed() const -> bool
Checks if this action was just pressed.
auto justReleased() const -> bool
Checks if this action was just released.
void pressed(bool pressed)
Sets whether this action is pressed.
void justPressed(bool justPressed)
Checks if this action was just pressed.
void justReleased(bool justReleased)
Checks if this action was just released.

Function documentation

cubos::engine::InputAction::InputAction(std::vector<InputCombination> combinations)

Constructs with existing bindings.

combinations Combinations to bind.

const std::vector<InputCombination>& cubos::engine::InputAction::combinations() const

Gets the bound combinations.

Returns Vector of combinations.

std::vector<InputCombination>& cubos::engine::InputAction::combinations()

Gets the bound combinations.

Returns Vector of combinations.

bool cubos::engine::InputAction::pressed() const

Checks if this action is pressed.

Returns Sets whether this action is pressed.

bool cubos::engine::InputAction::justPressed() const

Checks if this action was just pressed.

Returns Sets whether this action was just pressed.

bool cubos::engine::InputAction::justReleased() const

Checks if this action was just released.

Returns Sets whether this action was just released.

void cubos::engine::InputAction::pressed(bool pressed)

Sets whether this action is pressed.

pressed New pressed state.

void cubos::engine::InputAction::justPressed(bool justPressed)

Checks if this action was just pressed.

justPressed Whether this action was just pressed.

void cubos::engine::InputAction::justReleased(bool justReleased)

Checks if this action was just released.

justReleased Whether this action was just released.