cubos::core::ecs::SparseRelationTableRegistry class

Stores all of the sparse relation tables.

Public types

class TypeIndex
Stores the ids of tables of a given type.
using Iterator = std::unordered_map<DataTypeId, TypeIndex, DataTypeIdHash>::const_iterator
Used to iterate over type indices in the registry.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Public functions

void reset()
Resets the registry to its initial state.
auto contains(SparseRelationTableId id) const -> bool
Checks if there's a table with the given identifier.
auto create(SparseRelationTableId id, Types& types) -> SparseRelationTable&
Returns a reference to the table with the given identifier.
auto at(SparseRelationTableId id) -> SparseRelationTable&
Returns a reference to the table with the given identifier.
auto at(SparseRelationTableId id) const -> const SparseRelationTable&
Returns a reference to the table with the given identifier.
auto type(DataTypeId type) const -> const TypeIndex&
Returns the index used to search for tables of relations with a given type.
void erase(DataTypeId type)
Removes all relations of the given type.
auto forEach(std::size_t counter, auto func) const -> std::size_t
Calls the given function for each new table.
auto begin() const -> Iterator
Gets an iterator to the start of the type indices of this registry.
auto end() const -> Iterator
Gets an iterator to the end of the type indices of this registry.

Function documentation

void cubos::core::ecs::SparseRelationTableRegistry::reset()

Resets the registry to its initial state.

Previously returned identifiers become invalid, as they might be reused.

bool cubos::core::ecs::SparseRelationTableRegistry::contains(SparseRelationTableId id) const

Checks if there's a table with the given identifier.

id Identifier.
Returns Whether it contains the table or not.

SparseRelationTable& cubos::core::ecs::SparseRelationTableRegistry::create(SparseRelationTableId id, Types& types)

Returns a reference to the table with the given identifier.

id Identifier.
types Type registry used to initialize the table, if necessary.
Returns Reference to table.

Creates the table if it doesn't exist already.

SparseRelationTable& cubos::core::ecs::SparseRelationTableRegistry::at(SparseRelationTableId id)

Returns a reference to the table with the given identifier.

id Identifier.
Returns Reference to table.

Aborts if the table doesn't exist.

const SparseRelationTable& cubos::core::ecs::SparseRelationTableRegistry::at(SparseRelationTableId id) const

Returns a reference to the table with the given identifier.

id Identifier.
Returns Reference to table.

Aborts if the table doesn't exist.

const TypeIndex& cubos::core::ecs::SparseRelationTableRegistry::type(DataTypeId type) const

Returns the index used to search for tables of relations with a given type.

type Type identifier.
Returns Type index.

void cubos::core::ecs::SparseRelationTableRegistry::erase(DataTypeId type)

Removes all relations of the given type.

type Type identifier.

std::size_t cubos::core::ecs::SparseRelationTableRegistry::forEach(std::size_t counter, auto func) const

Calls the given function for each new table.

counter Counter previously returned by this function. Zero should be used for the first call.
func Function which receives a table identifier.
Returns Counter to be passed to this function in a future call.

Iterator cubos::core::ecs::SparseRelationTableRegistry::begin() const

Gets an iterator to the start of the type indices of this registry.

Returns Iterator.

Iterator cubos::core::ecs::SparseRelationTableRegistry::end() const

Gets an iterator to the end of the type indices of this registry.

Returns Iterator.