Engine » Collisions module

Adds collision detection to Cubos.



  • CollisionEvent - (TODO) emitted when a collision occurs.
  • TriggerEvent - (TODO) emitted when a trigger is entered or exited.



file collider.hpp
Component cubos::engine::Collider.
file colliding_with.hpp
Relation cubos::engine::CollidingWith.
file collision_layers.hpp
Component cubos::engine::CollisionLayers.
file collision_mask.hpp
Component cubos::engine::CollisionMask.
file contact_manifold.hpp
Struct cubos::engine::ContactManifold.
file plugin.hpp
Plugin entry point.
file raycast.hpp
System argument cubos::engine::Raycast.
file box.hpp
Component cubos::engine::BoxCollisionShape.
file capsule.hpp
Component cubos::engine::CapsuleCollisionShape.
file voxel.hpp
Component cubos::engine::VoxelCollisionShape.


struct cubos::engine::Collider
Component which adds a collider to an entity.
struct cubos::engine::CollidingWith
Relation which represents a collision.
struct cubos::engine::CollisionLayers
Component that contains the collision layers where the collider appears in. Check also CollisionMask.
struct cubos::engine::CollisionMask
Component that contains the mask of layers which the collider can collide with. Check also CollisionLayers.
class cubos::engine::Raycast
System argument which allows performing raycast queries among all entities with colliders.
struct cubos::engine::BoxCollisionShape
Component which adds a box collision shape to an entity, used with a Collider component.
struct cubos::engine::CapsuleCollisionShape
Component which adds a capsule collision shape to an entity, used with a Collider component.
class cubos::engine::VoxelCollisionShape
Component which adds a collision shape corresponding to a given voxel grid to an entity, used with a Collider component.
struct cubos::engine::VoxelCollisionShape::BoxShiftPair
Struct which holds a sub-box of the voxel collision shape, and its shift from the center of the shape.


auto collisionsPlugin(Cubos& cubos) -> CUBOS_ENGINE_API void
Plugin entry function.

Function documentation

CUBOS_ENGINE_API void collisionsPlugin(Cubos& cubos)

Plugin entry function.

cubos Cubos main class.