core/io/gamepad.hpp file

Struct cubos::core::io::GamepadState and related enums.


namespace cubos
Cubos libraries namespace.
namespace cubos::core
Core namespace.
namespace cubos::core::io
Input and output module.


struct cubos::core::io::GamepadState
Holds the state of a gamepad.


enum class GamepadButton { Invalid = -1, A, B, X, Y, LBumper, RBumper, Back, Start, Guide, LThumb, RThumb, Up, Right, Down, Left, Count }
Gamepad buttons.
enum class GamepadAxis { Invalid = -1, LX, LY, RX, RY, LTrigger, RTrigger, Count }
Gamepad axes.


auto gamepadButtonToString(GamepadButton button) -> CUBOS_CORE_API std::string
Converts a GamepadButton enum to a string.
auto stringToGamepadButton(const std::string& str) -> CUBOS_CORE_API GamepadButton
Converts a string to a GamepadButton.
auto gamepadAxisToString(GamepadAxis axis) -> CUBOS_CORE_API std::string
Convert a GamepadAxis to a string.
auto stringToGamepadAxis(const std::string& str) -> CUBOS_CORE_API GamepadAxis
Convert a string to a GamepadAxis.