Examples » Engine » Audio

Using the Audio plugin.

This sample shows how the Audio can be used to load audio samples and interact with them, using all supported file formats.

Let's start by creating a Listener (represented through the camera).

In order to produce sound, we also need to create an AudioSource.

    cubos.startupSystem("create an audio source").after(audioStateInitTag).call([](Commands cmds) {
            .add(Position{{0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F}})
            .add(Velocity{.vec = {1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F}})
            .add(Rotation::lookingAt({-1.0F, -1.0F, -1.0F}, glm::vec3{0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F}))

How does this source know what to play? You can assign any audio asset, as long as in the supported format, to the AudioSource component.

            if (src.sound.isNull())
                src.sound = AudioAssets[0];
                cmds.add(ent, AudioPlay{});

We add a system which cycles through 3 assets and allows to play/pause and stop them through user input.

The way we signal cubos to play, pause and stop an asset is through the use of the AudioPlay, AudioPause, and AudioStop components; just add them and the actions should happen immediatly.

            if (input.justPressed("skip"))
                CUBOS_INFO("SKIP: {}", src.sound.getIdString());
                cmds.add(ent, AudioStop{});
                src.sound = AudioAssets[++currAsset % 3];
                CUBOS_INFO("PLAYING: {}", src.sound.getIdString());
                cmds.add(ent, AudioPlay{});
            if (input.justPressed("play_pause"))
                if (src.playing)
                    cmds.add(ent, AudioPause{});
                    CUBOS_INFO("PAUSING: {}", src.sound.getIdString());
                    cmds.add(ent, AudioPlay{});
                    CUBOS_INFO("PLAYING: {}", src.sound.getIdString());
            if (input.justPressed("stop"))
                cmds.add(ent, AudioStop{});
                CUBOS_INFO("STOPPING: {}", src.sound.getIdString());

That way, using our selected inputs, if you press Enter, you will skip to the next asset; Spacebar will play or pause the asset; and pressing Backspace will stop the current audio asset.

You can play around with the audio samples and listen to each one using the plugin!