engine/transform/plugin.hpp file

Plugin entry point.


namespace cubos
Cubos libraries namespace.
namespace cubos::core
Core namespace.
namespace cubos::core::ecs
ECS module.
namespace cubos::engine
Engine module.


auto transformPlugin(Cubos& cubos) -> CUBOS_ENGINE_API void
Plugin entry function.


CUBOS_ENGINE_API Tag transformMissingLocalTag
The LocalToWorld components are added to entities with Position, Rotation or Scale components.
CUBOS_ENGINE_API Tag transformMissingTag
The Position, Rotation, Scale and possibly LocalToParent components are added to entities with LocalToWorld components.
CUBOS_ENGINE_API Tag transformUpdateRelativeTag
The LocalToWorld or LocalToParent components are updated with the information from the Position, Rotation and Scale components.
CUBOS_ENGINE_API Tag transformUpdateTag
The LocalToWorld components are updated with the information from the LocalToParent component and the LocalToWorld components of the parent.