cubos::core::al::AudioDevice class

Audio device interface used to wrap low-level audio rendering APIs.

Public static functions

static auto create(const std::string& specifier = "") -> std::shared_ptr<AudioDevice>
Creates an audio device from a given device specifier.
static void enumerateDevices(std::vector<std::string>& devices)
Enumerates the available devices.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

AudioDevice(const AudioDevice&) deleted
Forbid copy construction.

Public functions

auto createBuffer() -> Buffer pure virtual
Creates a new audio buffer.
auto createSource() -> Source pure virtual
Creates a new audio source.
void setListenerPosition(const glm::vec3& position) pure virtual
Sets the position of the listener.
void setListenerOrientation(const glm::vec3& forward, const glm::vec3& up) pure virtual
Sets the orientation of the listener.
void setListenerVelocity(const glm::vec3& velocity) pure virtual
Sets the velocity of the listener. Used to implement the doppler effect.

Function documentation

static std::shared_ptr<AudioDevice> cubos::core::al::AudioDevice::create(const std::string& specifier = "")

Creates an audio device from a given device specifier.

specifier Device specifier (empty for default).
Returns Audio device, or nullptr on failure.

static void cubos::core::al::AudioDevice::enumerateDevices(std::vector<std::string>& devices)

Enumerates the available devices.

devices out Vector to fill with the available devices.

Buffer cubos::core::al::AudioDevice::createBuffer() pure virtual

Creates a new audio buffer.

Returns Handle of the new buffer.

Source cubos::core::al::AudioDevice::createSource() pure virtual

Creates a new audio source.

Returns Handle of the new source.

void cubos::core::al::AudioDevice::setListenerPosition(const glm::vec3& position) pure virtual

Sets the position of the listener.

position Position.

void cubos::core::al::AudioDevice::setListenerOrientation(const glm::vec3& forward, const glm::vec3& up) pure virtual

Sets the orientation of the listener.

forward Forward direction of the listener.
up Up direction of the listener.

void cubos::core::al::AudioDevice::setListenerVelocity(const glm::vec3& velocity) pure virtual

Sets the velocity of the listener. Used to implement the doppler effect.

velocity Velocity of the listener.