engine/prelude.hpp file

Includes commonly used headers and defines aliases for commonly used types.


namespace cubos
Cubos libraries namespace.
namespace cubos::engine
Engine module.


using Tag = core::ecs::Tag
Represents a tag to be used with the Cubos class.
using Plugin = core::ecs::Plugin
Function pointer type representing a plugin.
using Cubos = core::ecs::Cubos
Represents the engine itself, and exposes the interface with which the game developer interacts with. Ties up all the different parts of the engine together.
using DeltaTime = core::ecs::DeltaTime
Resource which stores the time since the last iteration of the main loop started.
using ShouldQuit = core::ecs::ShouldQuit
Resource used as a flag to indicate whether the main loop should stop running.
using Arguments = core::ecs::Arguments
Resource which stores the command-line arguments.
template<typename... ComponentTypes>
using Query = core::ecs::Query<ComponentTypes...>
System argument which holds the result of a query over all entities in world which match the given arguments.
using Entity = core::ecs::Entity
Identifies an entity.
using Commands = core::ecs::Commands
System argument used to write ECS commands and execute them at a later time.
template<typename T>
using Opt = core::memory::Opt<T>
Wrapper for reference types to indicate that the given argument type is optional.
template<typename T, unsigned int M = DEFAULT_FILTER_MASK>
using EventReader = core::ecs::EventReader<T, M>
System arguments used to read events of type T.
template<typename T>
using EventWriter = core::ecs::EventWriter<T>
System argument which allows the system to send events of type T to other systems.