Engine » Tools module

Adds various debugging tool plugins.

Most of these tools provide their own ImGui windows which can be toggled with the toolbox-plugin.


module Collider Gizmos
Draws gizmos for colliders of selected entities.
module Console
Displays the log messages in an ImGui window.
module Debug Camera
Adds a toggleable debug camera.
module ECS Statistics
Shows tons of statistics and information about the internal state of the ECS.
module Entity Inspector
Allows inspecting and modifying the components of the current Selection.
module Metrics Panel
Shows some useful performance metrics through a ImGui window.
module Play Pause
Allows changing the current simulation speed, or even pause it.
module Selection
Adds a resource which keeps track of what the current selection is.
module Settings Inspector
Allows inspecting the current setting values through a ImGui window.
module Toolbox
Allows toggling the visibility of other tools.
module Transform Gizmo
Adds a gizmo that allows changing the selected entity's position.
module World Inspector
Shows all of the entities in the world, and allows selecting them.


file plugin.hpp
Plugin entry point.


auto toolsPlugin(Cubos& cubos) -> CUBOS_ENGINE_API void
Plugin entry function.

Function documentation

CUBOS_ENGINE_API void toolsPlugin(Cubos& cubos)

Plugin entry function.

cubos Cubos main class