Engine » Render » Shadow atlas module

Creates and manages a shadow map atlas.



file plugin.hpp
Plugin entry point.
file shadow_atlas.hpp
Resource cubos::engine::ShadowAtlas.


class cubos::engine::ShadowAtlas
Resource which stores the shadow map atlas, a large texture that holds the shadow maps for each shadow caster in a quadtree structure, reducing texture switching.


auto shadowAtlasPlugin(Cubos& cubos) -> CUBOS_ENGINE_API void
Plugin entry function.


CUBOS_ENGINE_API Tag createShadowAtlasTag
Creates the shadow atlas.
CUBOS_ENGINE_API Tag reserveShadowCastersTag
Reserves space for shadow casters.
CUBOS_ENGINE_API Tag drawToShadowAtlasTag
Systems which draw to the shadow atlas texture should be tagged with this.

Function documentation

CUBOS_ENGINE_API void shadowAtlasPlugin(Cubos& cubos)

Plugin entry function.

cubos Cubos main class.

Variable documentation

CUBOS_ENGINE_API Tag reserveShadowCastersTag

Reserves space for shadow casters.

CUBOS_ENGINE_API Tag drawToShadowAtlasTag

Systems which draw to the shadow atlas texture should be tagged with this.