Engine » Render » Camera module

Adds PerspectiveCamera components and the DrawsTo relation.


file camera.hpp
Component cubos::engine::Camera.
file draws_to.hpp
Relation cubos::engine::DrawsTo.
file orthographic.hpp
Component cubos::engine::OrthographicCamera.
file perspective.hpp
Component cubos::engine::PerspectiveCamera.
file plugin.hpp
Plugin entry point.


struct cubos::engine::Camera
Generic component to hold the projection matrix of a specific camera (either perspective or orthogonal).
struct cubos::engine::DrawsTo
Relation which indicates the 'from' entity is a camera that draws to the 'to' target.
struct cubos::engine::OrthographicCamera
Component which defines parameters of a orthographic camera used to render the world.
struct cubos::engine::PerspectiveCamera
Component which defines parameters of a perspective camera used to render the world.


auto cameraPlugin(Cubos& cubos) -> CUBOS_ENGINE_API void
Plugin entry function.

Function documentation

CUBOS_ENGINE_API void cameraPlugin(Cubos& cubos)

Plugin entry function.

cubos Cubos main class.