core/geom/utils.hpp file

Class cubos::core::geom::Utils.


namespace cubos
Cubos libraries namespace.
namespace cubos::core
Core namespace.
namespace cubos::core::geom
Geometry module.


auto pointInPlane(const glm::vec3& point, const cubos::core::geom::Plane& plane) -> CUBOS_CORE_API bool
Computes if a point is in the area limited by the plane.
auto pointDistanceToPlane(const glm::vec3& point, const cubos::core::geom::Plane& plane) -> CUBOS_CORE_API float
Computes the signed distance from thene plane to a point.
auto getMaxVertexInAxis(int numVertices, const glm::vec3 vertices[], const glm::vec3& localAxis) -> CUBOS_CORE_API int
Computes the vertex furthest along the axis.
auto getIncidentReferencePolygon(const cubos::core::geom::Box& shape, const glm::vec3& normal, PolygonalFeature& outPolygon, std::vector<cubos::core::geom::Plane>& outAdjacentPlanes, std::vector<uint32_t> outAdjacentPlanesIds, const glm::mat4& localToWorld, float scale) -> CUBOS_CORE_API void
Computes the candidate face of the polygon to be reference, as well as it's normal and adjacent planes.
auto getClosestPointEdge(const glm::vec3& point, glm::vec3 start, glm::vec3 end) -> CUBOS_CORE_API glm::vec3
Computes the closest point on the line (edge) to point.
auto getClosestPointPolygon(const glm::vec3& point, const std::vector<glm::vec3>& polygon) -> CUBOS_CORE_API glm::vec3
Iterates through all edges in polygon and computes closest position on the edges of the polygon to point.
auto getCameraFrustumCorners(const glm::mat4& view, const glm::mat4& proj, float zNear, float zFar, std::vector<glm::vec4>& corners) -> CUBOS_CORE_API void
Gets a camera's frustum corners in world space.
auto getCubeViewMatrices(const glm::mat4& inverseView, std::vector<glm::mat4>& cubeViewMatrices) -> CUBOS_CORE_API void
Gets view matrices for rendering a cubemap.