Using the Voxels plugin.
This example shows the Voxels plugin, which registers asset bridges used to load voxel grids (.grid
) and palettes (.pal
). Check out the Introduction and Custom Bridges sample for an introduction on the Assets plugin.
It is very similar to the examples-engine-renderer, differing only in the fact that in this sample the grid and palette are loaded from files.

The plugin function is included from the engine/
Lets start by defining the handles of the assets we want to use, as done in the Assets sample.
static const Asset<VoxelGrid> CarAsset = AnyAsset("059c16e7-a439-44c7-9bdc-6e069dba0c75"); static const Asset<VoxelPalette> PaletteAsset = AnyAsset("1aa5e234-28cb-4386-99b4-39386b0fc215");
In this sample, instead of creating a new palette, we just set the RenderPalette's handle to the PaletteAsset
handle we defined previously.
cubos.startupSystem("set palette").call([](RenderPalette& palette) { palette.asset = PaletteAsset; });
Now, we can create an entity with our car asset.
cubos.startupSystem("create a car").tagged(assetsTag).call([](Commands cmds, const Assets& assets) { // Calculate the necessary offset to center the model on (0, 0, 0). auto car = assets.read(CarAsset); glm::vec3 offset = glm::vec3(car->size().x, 0.0F, car->size().z) / -2.0F; // Create the car entity cmds.create().add(RenderVoxelGrid{CarAsset, offset}).add(LocalToWorld{}); });
And voilá, you now have a car floating in space.