Examples » Engine » Settings

Using the Settings plugin.

This example shows how the Settings plugin can be used to load settings from a file and command-line arguments.

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    Cubos cubos{argc, argv};


    cubos.startupSystem("print setting value").after(settingsTag).call([](Settings& settings) {
        CUBOS_INFO("{}", settings.getString("greeting", "Hello!"));

    cubos.startupSystem("print number setting value").after(settingsTag).call([](Settings& settings) {
        CUBOS_INFO("{}", settings.getInteger("number", 1));
        CUBOS_INFO("{}", settings.getDouble("double", 1e-07));
        CUBOS_INFO("{}", settings.getBool("boolean", false));
        CUBOS_INFO("{}", settings.getString("emptyString", ""));


We add a system which prints the value of the setting greetings. Notice that we make it run after the tag cubos.settings, so that the settings have already been loaded.

If the setting greetings has been set on the settings.json file next to the sample's executable, or if it has been passed as a command-line argument (e.g. ./engine-sample.settings --greetings "Hello, world!"), the sample will output that value. Otherwise, it will output Hello!, which we set as a default.

Notice that if we want the command-line arguments to be loaded as settings, we need to pass argc and argv to the Cubos::Cubos(int, char**) constructor.