Examples » Core » Logging

Using the logging system.

Logging in Cubos is done through the logging macros defined in core/log.hpp.

#include <cubos/core/log.hpp>

There are six logging levels, each with its own macro. In order of increasing severity, they are:

    CUBOS_TRACE("Trace message");
    CUBOS_DEBUG("Debug message");
    CUBOS_INFO("Info message");
    CUBOS_WARN("Warning message");
    CUBOS_ERROR("Error message");
    CUBOS_CRITICAL("Critical message");

The minimum registered log level is set with Logger::level. On this sample, to demonstrate CUBOS_TRACE, we set it to Trace:


The logger also supports logging to a file, which will by default be named to cubos_<timestamp>.log.


Or, if you want, you can set the file manually:

$ cat /home/cubos/build/logs/cubos_15:25:30.191.log
[15:25:30.192] [file.cpp:124 mount] info: Mounted archive at ""/"logs"
[15:25:30.192] [file.cpp:322 create] trace: Created "file" "/logs/cubos_15:25:30.191"
[15:25:30.192] [main.cpp:29 main] trace: Trace message
[15:25:30.192] [main.cpp:30 main] debug: Debug message
[15:25:30.192] [main.cpp:31 main] info: Info message
[15:25:30.192] [main.cpp:32 main] warn: Warning message
[15:25:30.193] [main.cpp:33 main] error: Error message
[15:25:30.193] [main.cpp:34 main] critical: Critical message
[15:25:30.193] [file.cpp:85 mount] error: Could not mount archive at "/logs"/"": "/logs" is already part of an archive
[15:25:30.193] [main.cpp:42 main] info: An integer: 1
[15:25:30.193] [main.cpp:43 main] info: A glm::vec3: (x: 0.0000, y: 1.0000, z: 2.0000)
[15:25:30.194] [main.cpp:44 main] info: An std::unordered_map: {2: "two", 1: "one"}
[15:25:30.194] [log.cpp:248 streamFormat] warn: You tried to print a type ("unnamed102322537939356") which doesn't implement reflection. Did you forget to include its reflection definition?
[15:25:30.194] [main.cpp:45 main] info: A type without reflection: (no reflection)
$ cat /home/cubos/build/logs/sample_logs.txt 
[15:23:03.737] [file.cpp:124 mount] info: Mounted archive at ""/"logs"
[15:23:03.737] [main.cpp:29 main] trace: Trace message
[15:23:03.737] [main.cpp:30 main] debug: Debug message
[15:23:03.737] [main.cpp:31 main] info: Info message
[15:23:03.737] [main.cpp:32 main] warn: Warning message
[15:23:03.737] [main.cpp:33 main] error: Error message
[15:23:03.738] [main.cpp:34 main] critical: Critical message
[15:23:03.738] [main.cpp:38 main] info: An integer: 1
[15:23:03.738] [main.cpp:39 main] info: A glm::vec3: (x: 0.0000, y: 1.0000, z: 2.0000)
[15:23:03.738] [main.cpp:40 main] info: An std::unordered_map: {2: "two", 1: "one"}
[15:23:03.738] [log.cpp:248 streamFormat] warn: You tried to print a type ("unnamed108664291041692") which doesn't implement reflection. Did you forget to include its reflection definition?
[15:23:03.738] [main.cpp:41 main] info: A type without reflection: (no reflection)
t reflection: (no reflection)

These macros can also take arguments, which can be of any reflectable type.

    CUBOS_INFO("An integer: {}", 1);
    CUBOS_INFO("A glm::vec3: {}", glm::vec3(0.0F, 1.0F, 2.0F));
    CUBOS_INFO("An std::unordered_map: {}", std::unordered_map<int, const char*>{{1, "one"}, {2, "two"}});

To print external types, such as glm math types, STL types (std::string, ...) or primitives (int, ...), you'll have to include their respective headers in the core/reflection/external directory. Notice that although we aren't printing C-strings directly, we must still include them as our std::unordered_map contains const char*s.

#include <cubos/core/reflection/external/cstring.hpp>
#include <cubos/core/reflection/external/glm.hpp>
#include <cubos/core/reflection/external/primitives.hpp>
#include <cubos/core/reflection/external/unordered_map.hpp>