
Voxel based engine
Cubos aims to be a simple, but powerful game engine for PC, where everything is made out of voxels.
It is open source and free to use for any purpose. Written in modern C++ (20) and with data-oriented design in mind, its goal is to be both performant and highly flexible.
Getting started
The best way to get started is to read the getting started guide, which will guide you through the process of downloading and building the engine, as well as where to go from there.
There is also a feature guide which gives you a high-level overview of the engine's design and features. If you're just looking for a quick overview, this is the place to go. You can also take a look at the modules page, which describes each of the engine's modules.
In the examples page you can find examples on how to use specific parts of the engine.
Consider taking a look at the exercises page if you want some challenges to help you understand how to work with Cubos.
If you're looking to contribute to the project, make sure you read the contribution guidelines, which introduces you to the project's conventions and code style.
Cubos is developed by a team at GameDev Técnico, a student group at Instituto Superior Técnico who make games. Our goal is to build a game engine from the ground up and have fun doing it.
Join us
If you're interested in joining us or learning more about the project, join our discord server!